Anyone at Harvard willing to sponsor me?

Cluster F

USMC Veteran
NES Member
Jul 17, 2010
Marlborough, MA
Feedback: 34 / 1 / 0
Good evening. I know this is a long shot but I used to be a member at Harvard years ago. I moved out of the area and have bot been a member at a range In while. I loved Harvard and would like to be a member again to shoot and introduce my girls to the sport. I’m willing to meet before hand or have a phone conversation. Any help would be great.
Just asking out of curiosity.. If you're a member and then leave.. You need a sponsor to join again?
I wonder if other clubs are like that. Seems like if you were already a member in good standing then that's the vouch you already needed..
The president is at the maintenance building every Sunday morning. I suggest you go there and ask if the sponsorship requirement will be waived for a past member. Getting someone to sponsor you under the current rules could be difficult.
I'm pretty confident I've seen lapsed members self-sponsor when rejoining. It might have depended on how long? I would email the board.
It seems that you don't need a sponsor which is a big problem out of the way but if you're in Marlborough, isn't the club in Southborough closer?
You're right. Harvard was great. It's still pretty good but may offer activities that you don't care about. Do you want to shoot machineguns? Do you want to shoot rifles beyond 100 yards? If so, Harvard is the place for you. If not, Riverside is much closer.
I loved Harvard when I was a member. It was great so why look elsewhere. I’m in Hudson now
If you still had your gate card (unless you were pre-gate) that could be re-enabled. Toss in a safety walk and you'd be good to go
The president is at the maintenance building every Sunday morning. I suggest you go there and ask if the sponsorship requirement will be waived for a past member. Getting someone to sponsor you under the current rules could be difficult.
Did rules change? I let my membership lapse and am no longer a member, just curious.
Did rules change? I let my membership lapse and am no longer a member, just curious.
There was a change where the sponsor has to write a letter, paragraph noting the points in the membership guidelines. Sponsor is also on the hook for a year. Returning members just need to pay the fee/initiation and hit a safety walk if its been more than a couple years.
You're right. Harvard was great. It's still pretty good but may offer activities that you don't care about. Do you want to shoot machineguns? Do you want to shoot rifles beyond 100 yards? If so, Harvard is the place for you. If not, Riverside is much closer.
I’ve been dreaming of joining for about a year now and looking to make some new friends / sharing builds. It’s summer time and very nice out.


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I’ve been dreaming of joining for about a year now and looking to make some new friends / sharing builds. It’s summer time and very nice out.
Do you do any handgun shooting? the idpa/ipsc/mwt groups do have open nights where you can come and meet folks and join in, usually it doesn't take too long to find a sponsor.
Do you do any handgun shooting? the idpa/ipsc/mwt groups do have open nights where you can come and meet folks and join in, usually it doesn't take too long to find a sponsor.
I do have handguns but haven’t ever tried IDPA, just old stuff like a p08/p38/ and a baretta m9. I sent a quick email asking to volunteer on the weekends if that’s still a way to help out!

Frankly novice with handguns in a competitive event 😂
I do have handguns but haven’t ever tried IDPA, just old stuff like a p08/p38/ and a baretta m9. I sent a quick email asking to volunteer on the weekends if that’s still a way to help out!

Frankly novice with handguns in a competitive event 😂
Same here but I do want to try it, see what its all about, IDPA is about normal concealed carry type gear USPSA is much more fancy. On sundays, grounds usually starts at 5-6am and runs till a little after noontime, unfortunately don't really do much shooting as there's work to get done. The shooting groups like to see new folks show up, help with setup and breakdown is always appreciated.
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