Anyone have any opinions on this AR? (M&P15FT)


NES Member
Aug 15, 2007
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Four Seasons has this for $1250 and there's a $100 rebate on it. Considering the fully railed fore end and folding sights, it seems like a very good deal.


I had been thinking about an RRA Predator Pursuit which has a 20" stainless match barrel. The M&P is a 1 in 9 twist on a 16" barrel and the RRA is a 20" with a 1 in 8 twist. How would this affect accuracy and ammo selection?
I had a chance to shoot one today. Very accurate, typical next to zero AR recoil, even using Guat ammo. Only problem was a couple of FTF issues but the gun is still fairly new.
The guy who had it seemed a little concerned by it and we both thought it could be the magazine since it has some wobble to it. He lives in RI and has a high cap mag that came with the gun so no telling if a different mag would make a difference or not.
Forward assist helped with the problem but again, I'd have to see a few top notch mags feed through it before I based an opinion.
Overall accuracy was above what I expected though.
I got to shoot one a few months ago and loved it. From what I have read and heard (YMMV) the M&P's are very good quality.
Thanks, it's good to hear positive reviews. My only issue with that one is I'd put an A2 stock on it. I see no sense in having the stock that's on there if it's pinned.
I shot an LEO M&P15 and it was super sweet - An AR is not an AR - the build was really something and the accuracy was superb. I agree about the pinned stock - hate em. If you like the look of a pinned, at least buy one and adjust to fit. If you're going for full sized, check out the VLTOR Clubfoot. I wish S%W would have at least contracted with Troy for the Medieval Brake, since they're using Troy BUIS and MRF rails anyway - I hate the naked front end, but love the rifle.
I don't care for the stock either, I really like the ACE stocks and would replace it with one at the extra cost if I were buying one.
I don't care for the stock either, I really like the ACE stocks and would replace it with one at the extra cost if I were buying one.

I figure if I"m going to have a non-collapsible stock, I might as well have a storage compartment. A2 stocks are cheap enough and I can probably resell the one it came with.
I bet CMT still makes many of the components for S&W.

The question then is, does S&W spec parts differently than the parts made for Stag. The company that manufactures the part doesn't necessarily dictate the quality of the part.
Nope - You could take a Stag upper and put it on a S&W lower, LMT, Noveske, etc...The tolerances in Mil-pec generally allow for slight variances and my understanding is that S&W shoots for as close to spec as possible...

I mistated what I meant. What I meant to say was that S&W could spec a tighter tolerance on the parts it accepts from Stag as a supplier. Those tolerances could be tighter than what Stag uses for their own guns. I'm not saying I know this to be the case but it's certainly done in various supplier situations.
I have one and love it!! See avatar pic to the left...I plan on having a spikes dynacomp installed in the coming weeks, I will post pics with the finished off barrel when it's done.

Sorry to resurrect an old thread, found it in a search...
I have one also, and love it. I plan of picking up a muzzle brake saturday at the wilmington show, and threading the barrel and installing it (pinned of course)
S&W lists 2 of those on the site. One has a chrome lined barrel, and chrome bolt, and troy Ind flip up sights. The other has Magpul sights, and no chrome lined Barrel. Big price difference between the 2
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Yeah, most places were quoting me on the more expensive model. I finally found a place willing to look at the FRIGGIN website so I could show him the model with the lower MSRP. $1105 and 2 days later, it was in my hands. U can always upgrade to troy sights later. And as long as u stick with non-corrosive ammo the barrel lining should not be an issue. Plus, S&W has that little thing calked a lifetime warranty and stand by their products so it's a win win to go with the less expensive model. Sweet & accurate AR!!
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