I've seen this done to Glocks and other guns and if it's done right, it generally seems pretty nice, if you -need- this sort of work done. I would not recommend going whole-hog on anything that you don't intend on keeping (because you will never get your money back on the resale value end of things) or on anything that you haven't tested really well. (EG, you don't want to get it done to a gun that is less than perfect functionally, because it's kinda dumb to sink money into a frame that might have frame problems. )
I'm kind of drifting here but... Nothing against this CBC guy, but why not ask Lou @ BEC (Business End Customs) in Tewksbury if he can do what you want instead? That way instead of having to ship the gun all over creation, you can just bring it to him directly and go pick it up. Obviously reductions get pretty pricey, but you're still going to save big by getting it done locally. It's also nice being able to talk to someone like him and discuss the different options before you
have someone make permanent changes to the gun.