Anyone packing caffeine?

Dec 10, 2012
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I just figured out why the Cool Mint Chocolate CLIF bars are the only ones I like: they're caffeinated! Says so right on the front of the package. I looked at their website and it turns out Cool Mint Chocolate and Peanut Toffee Buzz are the only two flavors that contain caffeine. It got me wondering if anybody here packs caffeine supplements. I usually avoid addictive substances but anything goes in an emergency. Does anyone here use 5-Hour Energy shots or those sketchy caffeine pills that I see at gas stations?
I have packets of Starbucks Via instant coffee and also a few 5 hour energy shots. I can get 2-3 cups of coffee out of 1 Via packet. No sketchy caffeine pills. I'm not happy in the morning without a hot cup of coffee.
I've heard of our .mil guys in the field eating the little MRE packets of freeze dried coffee from the pouch and washing it down with canteen water. Usually when standing a long watch.
Caffeine pills.. chew them up and let em sit in your mouth for a minute for a buzz. All the energy of an extra large Dunkin for about $0.10 a pill. Walmart brand
I cannot speak from experience on this(yet) but I have heard that green coffee beans when packed for long term (#10/mylar o2 absorber) will last longer than roasted coffee beans. You would then have to roast the beans over a fire/woodstove and grind beans yourself. My country living grain mill has a corn/bean attachment that will also grind coffee. Apparently this coffee will be better than coffee you can get now. I have asked a friend of mine who owns a coffee shop and roasts his own to get me some green beans. I will be experimenting with this soon. Obviously this is not a good BOB soloution and more geared towards a long term grid down scenario. But fresh roasted coffee will sure lift some spirits if/when that day comes.
Caffeine pills.. chew them up and let em sit in your mouth for a minute for a buzz. All the energy of an extra large Dunkin for about $0.10 a pill. Walmart brand

I think this would be the most effective. Significantly lighter/smaller than any liquid form and you absorb it through your mouth. I bet they taste like shit though, eh?
I've heard of our .mil guys in the field eating the little MRE packets of freeze dried coffee from the pouch and washing it down with canteen water. Usually when standing a long watch.

They are Folgers instant coffee!! Lol. I used to horde those like crazy. They were great when you mixed them with the chocolate shake mix. Like my own military mocha.
I've heard of our .mil guys in the field eating the little MRE packets of freeze dried coffee from the pouch and washing it down with canteen water. Usually when standing a long watch.
On long convoys, I used to dump the packet on my tongue and wash it down with Coke.
anyone have any experience with the Mio enegry stuff you can add to drinks/water? its small, portable and supposedly an energy booster

I like the regular Mio. Though it does have a sort of artificial sweetener taste to it if you use copious amounts. I tried the greenish colored Mio energy. IMO it sucked. No energetic effect, and tasted like plastic with a lemon lime undertone.
I have packets of Starbucks Via instant coffee and also a few 5 hour energy shots. I can get 2-3 cups of coffee out of 1 Via packet. No sketchy caffeine pills. I'm not happy in the morning without a hot cup of coffee.

this. i use one packet per cup, but it is a nice to have a hot cup of coffee especially on the colder mornings. its no french pressed coffee, but it is quite good for nearly zero weight and being instant.
This is all I need to hear. My New Years resolution is to drink 2 coffees per day. I was up over 4 large ones before, and I was getting the headaches if I didn't get a coffee in me. Don't want any more options to tempt me
I was scared off of caffeine a couple of years ago. From about the age of 17 until about 22 I was drinking one or two energy drinks a day plus coffee and soda. It messed up my heart big time, had an eregular heart beat, got scared and went to the emergency room. luckily no permanent damage put I'm never going down that road again. Other then the caffeine naturally in foods and an occasional coffee ice cream, I'm done with caffeine.
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