Number 6
NES Member
I took my first AR-15 build to the range today and was excited to see how it performed (I assembled the lower myself and bought the upper from Remsport).
Well, I loaded it up, pointed it down range After ejecting the round I noticed there was a dimple in the primer. Tried it again and same result, no bang and ejected a dimpled round. The rounds were good, I loaded the same dimpled rounds into a friend's LMT and they detonated fine.
When I took it home, it looks like I may have had the hammer spring on backwards. I pulled the hammer and spring and flipped the spring the other way and the tension on the hammer DOES seem a bit stronger - but just barely.
Could this be the cause of the failed round detonation?
Thanks for your input.
Number 6
Well, I loaded it up, pointed it down range After ejecting the round I noticed there was a dimple in the primer. Tried it again and same result, no bang and ejected a dimpled round. The rounds were good, I loaded the same dimpled rounds into a friend's LMT and they detonated fine.
When I took it home, it looks like I may have had the hammer spring on backwards. I pulled the hammer and spring and flipped the spring the other way and the tension on the hammer DOES seem a bit stronger - but just barely.
Could this be the cause of the failed round detonation?
Thanks for your input.
Number 6