Ar ammo issue? And more


NES Member
Jul 8, 2022
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Is it the ammo and Rifle tuning.

I’m new to building rifles, but definitely have the ability to do it. Bought correct jigs and tools for basic assembling.

here’s my situation

I brought 2 new 5.56 builds to the range to run them for the first time. All parts are new.

1. 14.5 mid length factory Bcm upper w/ carbine buffer. Standard gas block

2. My build from a box of parts. 12.5 Rosco patrol length barrel, toolcraft ion dlc bolt. Standard gas block. This is a fixed mag pistol in Massachusetts…yes…dumb.

100rds factory fiocchi range dynamics .223
100rds Reman’d RAM manufacturing .223

Although it could have been smoother…Both guns cycled the fiocchi. No issues that I recall.

The RAM reman’d would
-failure to extract
-Double feed
-not fire with what looked like a good FP strike.

I contacted GunBros and they said they haven’t had any complaints about the ammo.

I’d love for my rifles to not be ammo picky….but…Is it “safe” to say it’s an ammo issue?

Any tips to smooth out the rifles? Ejection was ok but could be brought more toward 3:30-4:00. Would heavier buffers smooth out and help ejection?
your 12.5 is going to be very overgassed, just comes with running anything smaller than 16". You could try a heavier buffer to smooth it out a little, I would probably run an H2 on both builds, but the issue that sticks out to me is the failure to fire. This almost sounds like you're not all the way in battery or something is out of spec.
Is it the ammo and Rifle tuning.

I’m new to building rifles, but definitely have the ability to do it. Bought correct jigs and tools for basic assembling.

here’s my situation

I brought 2 new 5.56 builds to the range to run them for the first time. All parts are new.

1. 14.5 mid length factory Bcm upper w/ carbine buffer. Standard gas block

2. My build from a box of parts. 12.5 Rosco patrol length barrel, toolcraft ion dlc bolt. Standard gas block. This is a fixed mag pistol in Massachusetts…yes…dumb.

100rds factory fiocchi range dynamics .223
100rds Reman’d RAM manufacturing .223

Although it could have been smoother…Both guns cycled the fiocchi. No issues that I recall.

The RAM reman’d would
-failure to extract
-Double feed
-not fire with what looked like a good FP strike.

I contacted GunBros and they said they haven’t had any complaints about the ammo.

I’d love for my rifles to not be ammo picky….but…Is it “safe” to say it’s an ammo issue?

Any tips to smooth out the rifles? Ejection was ok but could be brought more toward 3:30-4:00. Would heavier buffers smooth out and help ejection?
My first guess would be the remanufactured ammo isn’t hot enough to cycle? If you ever tried PMC 223 that stuff is super sluggish and could cause problems in some rifles I’d imagine.
your 12.5 is going to be very overgassed, just comes with running anything smaller than 16". You could try a heavier buffer to smooth it out a little, I would probably run an H2 on both builds, but the issue that sticks out to me is the failure to fire. This almost sounds like you're not all the way in battery or something is out of spec.

I plan on getting some new buffers.

I did not have any failure to fire with the factory fiocchi in those same rifles that day. That lead me to believe it’s another issue with the reman’d ammo.
I plan on getting some new buffers.

I did not have any failure to fire with the factory fiocchi in those same rifles that day. That lead me to believe it’s another issue with the reman’d ammo.

yeah, maybe the ammo is out of spec or its your gun

you sure you installed your hammer spring correctly?
I'd suspect that reman ammo.
I still have some 9mm reman that I was shooting at an indoor range. The guy in the next lane asked me if they were black powder loads.
Little embarrassing. 😵‍💫
Known good ammo first. Known good magazine second.
Before changing anything in the guns you should try a few other new factory ammo offerings. If they run on new factory ammo then you will know that reman shit is just shit. If the guns have failures with known good ammo, then you can start the diagnostics process.
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