AR15 upper question

Sep 26, 2006
Lake Winnipesaukee
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I am looking at used AR LMT upper with an A2 flashhider on it. What are my options here. I am not sure as to the AWB laws on the ARs as I have zero experience with them. Do I need to change this? Can it be changed? What else should I be aware of looking at this upper.
Thanks in advance
Unless you have a preban lower (that satisifies the usual must have been assembled provenance BS, which most preban lowers do) you'll need to hack it to be MA legal if it's going to live on a postban lower. Typically this means removing the FH and replacing it with a permanently attached brake, or if the barrel is long enough, removing the FH and capping the barrel (welded on cap) or having the threads milled off. If it has a bayo lug, you'll have to hack that off or make it unusable, too.

Question -

are there any of these type of pre-ban / post-ban restrictions that impact owning or assembling an AR15 in New Hampshire ?

Guess I'm confused on this as I thought the AWB "sunsetted" or expired a few years ago,,,,,,?
are there any of these type of pre-ban / post-ban restrictions that impact owning or assembling an AR15 in New Hampshire ?

Guess I'm confused on this as I thought the AWB "sunsetted" or expired a few years ago,,,,,,?
It did. The Federal AWB died on its own on 9/14/2004. Some states (CA, MA, NJ, NY, CT, MD) have their state version of an AWB still in force.
MD does NOT have a persistent AWB. You can buy ARs with all the features you want. The only remaining bans there are on postban mags over 20 rounds.
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