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So I have been shooting AR's for the better part of 10 years. I have owned several from different manufactures both new and old. I have literally sold hundreds of them working at two separate gunshops over the years. I am not looking to start a thread that will become a pissing match between brand x and brand y. I just want to know who you think makes the best stuff and more importantly why.

Don't just write a name and that's it. I don't want to hear RRA because the one I have groups better than my Colt. I also don't want to hear Bushmaster sucks because you had a lot of FTF with it.  And god help you if you pull the "well the military uses it" BS. Don't just say this company is better quality, tell me why the quality is better. I want the hard facts. I want to know what company x does with their product that company y doesn't. I want to hear about the stress test that this company puts their products through and pass that other companies don't because their products would fail.

I see too many articles written in magazines and on the net where you can easily replace brand x with brand y, and pretty much have an identical article. I want this thread to be different. My goal in this thread is for some of our resident AR guru's to truly explain what makes a quality AR15 a quality AR15.


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