Are there any legal high capacity handguns besides pre-ban Glocks?

Aug 27, 2013
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Hello. I'm interested in getting a compact sized handgun for target shooting and personal defense. I really want to get something that holds more than 10 rounds. So ideally, I would get a Glock 19 with pre-ban magazines. However, since I'm in Massachusetts I don't think I can find a Glock 19 (Gen 3 or 4) for under $600 (my budget). Are there any other handguns available in Mass that I could get pre '94 high capacity magazines besides Glock?
S&W 3rd Gen Semi autos are a good option if you don't mind an all metal gun. I've seen plenty of 6906 and 4013 models that came with hicaps that are right in that price range. Or you could just look around for a 2nd gen glock 19, nothing wrong with those at all.
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Ruger, Sig, Beretta, HK.... for starters... Or a S&W Smegma. [puke] . Plenty of S&W 3rd gens with prebans, too.

The S&W SD9 takes Sigma Mags. Sig 228/9 in 9mm. S&W 2nd and 3rd Gen Auto's. Beretta 92. Ruger P Series.
Aimsurplus just had a bunch of Gen 2 G19s for sale for $359.

This would have perfectly met the OP's wants.

To the OP. Go here:

Glock 19 9mm Gen 2 Used Law Enforcement Trade In

and sign up for alerts for when they get more in.

I don't like the G23. Too snappy for my tastes. Its not that its difficult or intimidating to shoot, but my shot to shot splits are about 2x what they are with G19, which is the same gun in 9mm. Of course, about $140 could get you a 9mm barrel for the G23.

The OP said he was looking for a compact auto, these are all full size guns.

My bad. Saw the 19 part, I guess I never really considered it a compact.

Side note, P226 mag will fit a P229. So you can carry with a flush and have extended for reloads.
Aimsurplus just had a bunch of Gen 2 G19s for sale for $359.

This would have perfectly met the OP's wants.

To the OP. Go here:

Glock 19 9mm Gen 2 Used Law Enforcement Trade In

and sign up for alerts for when they get more in.

I don't like the G23. Too snappy for my tastes. Its not that its difficult or intimidating to shoot, but my shot to shot splits are about 2x what they are with G19, which is the same gun in 9mm. Of course, about $140 could get you a 9mm barrel for the G23.


I'll check it out. Thanks!
Four Seasons used to carry pre ban 15 round magazines for the Berreta 92FS. They are a little pricey but they are legal. And the 92FS is a great HD gun. Not so great to carry concealed. You may be able to find a used compact version - but even the compact is fairly big compared to some of the smaller framed compacts out there.
I have always been a big fan of S&W 3rd Gens which is now becoming the gun that nobody appreciated until they quit making them (actually they will still make them on special order for LE) There are literally dozens of variations too. I wouldn't sneer at 2nd Gen Guns either. Although not as refined the 459, 559, and 659 are dependable shooters for the most part and the 469 and 669 were the first compact hi cap 9mms. Biggest liability is trigger, but the good news is that these guns are relatively inexpensive so you can afford an action job from someone like Carl Sokol at Chestnut Mtn Sports in Vermont. Parts and spare magazines are available as well. Buy two and keep one as a parts gun for the price of new premium pistol with a Mass mandated trigger and cripple mags.
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