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Back when I had my Mossberg 590, I followed a load formula I read somewhere.  First shot was a low power #9, then a slug and then a mix of slug or straight buckshot.

The idea was that the first shot (if you had to shoot from a groggy state)would not penetrate walls and such.  It will also be low recoil so your followup shot will be quick.   If I remember correctly from the article, pepper the perp if caught in the room with you with #9 and follow up with a slug.  If the sound of racking the slide or the boom of the first shot doesn't get the intruders running, subsequent shots of slugs and buckshot takes care of the situation.

Then again, that was back when I was young and lived alone in a bad neighborhood with no family or friends around.  Nowadays, I rely on the flashlight and phone first and the .40 as a last resort.

With that said, here's my disclaimer--I don't condone leaving a loaded gun around the house or an unsecured firearm for that matter.  I also do not believe that the type of load is what works for home defense.  Just relaying a story here, nothing else.

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