Army Navy Store on Rte North around Peabody/Lynn/?

Jul 25, 2005
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Ironically, on my way to the Army Barracks Store in Salem, MA, we passed an Army Navy store on the northbound side of Rte 1. Now that I think of it we I'd guess we were around Peabody/Lynn. There was no convenient place to turn around and head south and then turn back north again, not knowing if the place was worth it or not. An internet search has turned up nothing. Anyone know what the deal with this place is?

Also, I came across a listing for a n Army Nave place call Raphael's ( I think) in Framingham...anyone know anything about it?


Thanks for the quick replies guys. Honestly, I'm not sure, but I may say "before" the Lynnfield tunnel. HAd the wife and kid in the car and I just barely caught a glimpse of the place on the right side of the road, up what looked like a bit of a semi-steep driveway I think. Big sign though. Would have pulled in had I seen it in time!

Thanks again men!

I live nearby and have to go out later. I'll check it out. Before or after the Lynnfield tunnel?

It's located south of the tunnel at the old furniture shop. The N to S turn around is easy. Do that at 129. The S to N is another story. You have to go down to Saugus to head north again.
I stopped by there just an hour ago.
There's much more room than the Salem store.
They have much the same inventory, just more of it.
Lots of made in china stuff.
Some real surplus, like ammo boxes - .30cal $10, .50cal $20.
Thanks guys. Very much appreciated. I knew I'd get the low-down here... It never occurred to me that it would be a new store of that chain... If its bigger than the Salem store then its probably on par with their location in Conway, which is pretty big compared to the others.

Thanks again,

I remember when they had a tent at the Topsfield Fair every year. Steve, the owner, told me the reason he stopped doing the fair was because kids were always ripping him off and it just wasn't worth it. I go to the one in Salem, Mass once in a while but parking is a nightmare for a full sized pick up. I think he gets a lot of his ammo cans, vests etc from Pete @ Metro West out in West Boylston. Next time I'm on Rt.1 North in Lynnfield I'll stop in, the parking has to be better than Salem [angry] .
I remember when they had a tent at the Topsfield Fair every year. Steve, the owner, told me the reason he stopped doing the fair was because kids were always ripping him off and it just wasn't worth it. I go to the one in Salem, Mass once in a while but parking is a nightmare for a full sized pick up. I think he gets a lot of his ammo cans, vests etc from Pete @ Metro West out in West Boylston. Next time I'm on Rt.1 North in Lynnfield I'll stop in, the parking has to be better than Salem [angry] .

I remember that tent at Topsfield! It was always the first thing I bolted to once inside the gates, whether it was a school field trip or years later with girlfriends, then the family. I could imagine he must have be robbed blind by people...the tent was packed with merchandise and lots of "low hanging fruit". I bought some great stuff there year after year... Good times though [grin].

May be stopping in at the Rte 1 store today on our way to visit family on the North Shore.

Thanks again guys.

The Army Barracks in Salem isn't bad, but lately when I've gone in there, it seems more of a combo airsoft/head shop. Not a true Army-Navy Surplus store as I remember them. Gotta check out the new place soon.
It looks like they don't do online sales anymore either??[sad]

I still have a Ka-Bar and a ALICE pack I bought off of Steve twenty something years ago. Humped that pack all over the place in college and it still looks brand new. The Ka-Bar on the other hand has been used but not abused, and is still to this day one of my "go to" knives for bushcraft.

I remember talking to them about the fairs and the logistics of it one time. Quite a pain in the ass from what he was telling me. It sounded like the profit margin was just not high enough to justify the logistics to support it.

I will make it a point to stop into the new store and see what kind of goodies are hiding in there for me to find. [smile]
Most A/N stores around my area are like flea markets, not a lot of milsurp, but I keep promising my self tto stop in the one on Rte 1 In Attlebore. He's got a few vehicles and a small helicopter in his front yard.
Went by and found it lame.china crap and airsoft like mentioned above. Tried to find out a price on a day pack.I had to listen to how it would be great for zombies and how the guy was ready for anything with all his survival training.
Sadly I will not be back to that store any time soon
Went by and found it lame.china crap and airsoft like mentioned above. Tried to find out a price on a day pack.I had to listen to how it would be great for zombies and how the guy was ready for anything with all his survival training.
Sadly I will not be back to that store any time soon

Funny, I just drove by there around 2:30 and was going to stop in and then decided not to, looks like a good decision on my part.
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