Article: 3 more defendants walk free in botched ATF sting

LOL this is ****ing great!! That article made me laugh my ass off.

The article said:
The ATF was paying such a premium for guns that some defendants were buying guns from stores, such as Gander Mountain and Dunhams, and turning around and selling them to the agents for a quick profit.

I thought it was funny enough when this was done at the gun buyback. This is just downright hysterical! [laugh]

Operation Fearless took 145 guns off the street, according to ATF. It is unclear how many of those came directly from stores and then were resold to agents.

Seriously? It is "unclear"? This is total bullshit Your the ****ing ATF. You mean to tell me you can't track the chain of custody of the serial numbers?. It should take all of 9 seconds to put the numbers in their computer and know exactly where it was made, what dealer it was shipped to and when it sold. Then just pull the dealer's bound book.
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