Article: Cowardly Missouri Democrats Admit Pro-Gun Bill Is Unconstitutional, Plan To

Not only that... But the article says it was a Pro Gun bill that's unconstitutional? Zero Division ? :D
The Dems. had to have thought nullification unconstitutional, or the gag order on the press, which is a first amendment issue not a 2A or gun issue. Maybe this was a pop quiz by derek.

Nullification and Secession are only bad/unconstitutional when its not convenient for Dems.

Take the Hartford Convention for example......or the nullification of the fugitive slave laws on the 19th century.

Google is your friend

It was OK when the North contemplated Secession but not the South

Report of the 1814 Hartford Convention

And it was ok when the same Northern states Nullified Congresses Fugitive Slave Laws with legislation in their own states

Personal Liberty Laws: A Nullification History Lesson | Tenth Amendment Center

Hell, its Ok that Colorado, California and a number of other states have "Nullified" federal MJ laws.......but its not ok when Montana and other states pass Firearm Freedom laws nullifying unconstitutional federal laws infringing upon RKBA in direct conflict with 2A which explicitly prohibits the fed gov from passing any such laws

How far the Cradle of Liberty has fallen.......
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