Article: Rural Colorado school allows teachers to carry concealed weapons

“I can sympathize with [the school's] location, and they’re small, but to me, that’s an accident waiting to happen,” Jane Dougherty, the sister of slain Sandy Hook psychologist Mary Sherlach told Denver’s 9News.

The pragmatist in me says that in the unlikely (million to one?) chance that an accident happens, and someone is shot, it is a small price to pay for the benefits such a program may provide.

If you think that's coldhearted, so be it.
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“I can sympathize with [the school's] location, and they’re small, but to me, that’s an accident waiting to happen,” Jane Dougherty, the sister of slain Sandy Hook psychologist Mary Sherlach told Denver’s 9News.


Fvck the Sandy Hook know-it-alls.

The moment they trampled on my rights back in January they lost my sympathy.

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Liberals will stand there with their fingers in their ears going "Blah, blah, blah, I can't heeeaaarrr youuuu." whenever anyone dare speak the facts.
how many children must be put at risk, please dial 911, cower in place for twenty minutes and let the pros handle it.
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