Article: Should gun owners' info be public? Open government advocate struggles his wa

Here' the problem: The government should be in no way involved in any licensing, acquisition or whatever when it comes to guns.

If government doesn't license/permit anybody or anything, then you can have all of your government transparency.

Otherwise, FOAD.
So if the government is in the business of deciding who gets to have a gun, Paff said, he wants a way to check it's being done fairly — to know that individuals aren't being given or denied permission because of their personal or political connections, or other improper considerations.
I'm not sure how this purpose is served by releasing full identifying details rather than, for example, a list of names and renewal dates without any other details.
I think there should be a registry of chicks that get abortions and a list in the Sunday paper of people who apply for EBT.

I'd almost be willing to have my name as a gun owner publicized if every single politician posted his or her home address and phone number and the name of every single EBT card recipient , Section 8 beneficiary, 40B particicipant - etc. - were also made public. Along with how much in $$ they receive every year in "public benefits".
I'd almost be willing to have my name as a gun owner publicized if every single politician posted his or her home address and phone number and the name of every single EBT card recipient , Section 8 beneficiary, 40B particicipant - etc. - were also made public. Along with how much in $$ they receive every year in "public benefits".

This! And just for fun, lets add posting ALL politicians financial info. Including RE Holdings, Bank account info, retirement funds, etc. After all, if we want to be sure there's no inappropriate influence present, we should know what their motivations are and how altruistic their purpose.
If government licenses and records gun ownership then the records should be public. The same would be true if the government licensed homosexuals, forced them to fill out oppressive paperwork, and bullied them into submitting to all manner of intrusion into their private life. The point being, conditional on having an oppressive government, the more information that can be made public, at the margin, the better. It undermines the oppression and creates distrust of government.

Obviously, having an oppressive government is not the goal. The clear fix is to end all public licensing and record keeping related to guns.
Here' the problem: The government should be in no way involved in any licensing, acquisition or whatever when it comes to guns.

If government doesn't license/permit anybody or anything, then you can have all of your government transparency.

Otherwise, FOAD.

This X 1,000,000
Post everyone that recieves any kind of public assistance and anyone convicted of a felony and any sex offender and they are more than welcome to make my gun info oublic knowledge!
Article: Should gun owners' info be public? Open government advocate struggle...

I'd almost be willing to have my name as a gun owner publicized if every single politician posted his or her home address and phone number and the name of every single EBT card recipient , Section 8 beneficiary, 40B particicipant - etc. - were also made public. Along with how much in $$ they receive every year in "public benefits".

Or who every voter voted for.
My right to defend my life is very different than someone's privilege of having the government steal money for them.

In other words, there should be a list of people that want to use 'public' funds that have been forcibly taken from us. But in no way is this remotely related to a list of people that are exercising a God given right, one that is also already protected by our Constitution.
Radtekk said:
And just for fun, lets add posting ALL politicians financial info. Including RE Holdings, Bank account info, retirement funds, etc. After all, if we want to be sure there's no inappropriate influence present, we should know what their motivations are and how altruistic their purpose.
It's tough enough to get honest people to run for office, and then this? The really corrupt ones hide their money well, while honest but private people like myself still wouldn't want their neighbors knowing how big my trust fund is, so just one more disincentive to run for office.

economist said:
The point being, conditional on having an oppressive government, the more information that can be made public, at the margin, the better. It undermines the oppression and creates distrust of government.
I disagree. I have lived in areas where gun ownership was marginalized and seen as a negative trait, making the information public in these environments just makes it easier for the anti-gun majority to use the registration information to further abuse gun owners. I've worked for managers who were so solidly anti that if they knew I went hunting on the weekend, they'd have found an excuse to fire me on Monday. Gun owners are not a protected class.

Or who every voter voted for.
You do realize there is are very good reasons for secret ballots, reasons why this information is not collected/stored/published? For starters, if you think 'vote buying' by democrats and busing supporters to the polls is bad now, consider how much worse it would become if the buyers could validate that they're getting what they paid for.

Back when I lived in the Midwest, I took enough abuse for being registered Republican, actually having public voting records would have gotten my garage burned to the ground -- I've seen it done for less.
My right to defend my life is very different than someone's privilege of having the government steal money for them.

In other words, there should be a list of people that want to use 'public' funds that have been forcibly taken from us. But in no way is this remotely related to a list of people that are exercising a God given right, one that is also already protected by our Constitution.

And that was really the point of my original post.

They can publicize the names of those who are forced to be licensed for what should be an immutable right - but not publicize the names of people who use the government to steal money for them?

Call their hand - the next time somebody says gun owners should be public record - respond instantly with: " sure - I'll go for that the instant that complete lists of ALL types of welfare recipients are publicized in the same manner".

Then sit back and watch how fast the liberal pie-holes fall silent.
Article: Should gun owners' info be public? Open government advocate struggle...

You do realize there is are very good reasons for secret ballots, reasons why this information is not collected/stored/published?

No shit. It's as ludicrous as making gun owner info public. Your sarcasm meter needs tuning buddy!

Demonstrating a ludicrous idea by stating an analogous, more obviously ludicrous idea is the epitomy of sarcasm!
No shit. It's as ludicrous as making gun owner info public. Your sarcasm meter needs tuning buddy!
Demonstrating a ludicrous idea by stating an analogous, more obviously ludicrous idea is the epitomy of sarcasm!
With the sort of insanity people post daily and with complete sincerity, the need for a unambigous delimiter of sarcasm is clear. We must implement the <SARCASM>tag, it's for the children!</SARCASM>
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