Ive been going round and round on a Form 1 to SBR an 80%. Submitted it back in December of 21, right when they revamped their website. I couldn't get out of "draft" status for anything. Any time I navigated eforms I would get an error "unable to save form, if problem reoccurs contact system administrator"
Thats all I could get. I asked the experts several times with no reply. I called, and called, and called, and every answer I got was we cant help you, not my job etc...
I emailed every and all offices that could possibly have anything to do with NFA and eforms, never once got a reply there either...
So....last week, a buddy was submitting an eform 1 and he got the same message! He cleared his error somehow, and we poked around on mine and whent line by line re-entering all the data on my application and it went through!!!!
Got the confirmation email that my application is "pending research" vs "submitted" and now im checking my email every day for the cover letter to send in my prints.
This happened on my first eform1, I submitted it, it was pending research, then got an email maybe a week later to send in my prints, then got approved a few weeks after that.
I'm told that 80% lowers get looked at more because people screw up the application in naming the manufacturer vs maker?