Just to resurrect an old thread here, I was looking for a low end, but reliable 1911 myself. Was originally looking for a RIA or Norinco, but couldn't find any. Wounded up picking up a used, but LNIB Colt SS 1991 NRM instead for a lot more money. The problem is, the Colt has turned out to be so nice, I didn't want to abuse it so now I was back to looking for yet another low end 1911. Damn 1911s are like an addiction.
Anyway, I checked around and really couldn't find anything better than an Auto-Ordnance WWII Repro (or rather attempt at a repro) when it came to purchasing a new gun. Even at a rather steep $519, it was still significantly cheaper than a used SW. I think I have to resolved myself to accept that 1911s are just plain expensive in this state no matter how you cut it. Anyway, before biting the bullet so to speak, I checked one out at FS just to be sure. I was actually surprised at the quality (comparatively speaking, of course) that Kahr has been put into this gun. Granted, it's no Colt, but it's still light years from the AOs I used to know back in the West Hurley days. Those guns were just slightly better than AMT, but that does not say much considering AMT is at the bottom of the list when it comes to 1911s. All the classic lines of the 1911s are there, the holes appear to be in the correct place, the finish was even, the feed ramp and barrel throat were polished, the extractor appeared to be barstock and not MIM, and both recoil and firing pin springs were of adequate weight and then some. I'm told the frames are cast, however I didn't notice any obvious signs of it like the older AOs.
Aside from the crappy mag that was included and some stiffness in getting the slide release to pop out, I'm fairly satisfied with this AO thus far. Of course, I may change my mind if the front sight comes off one of these days during firing, but for now.......