avoiding FLIR detection

Out-****ing standing post ! [thumbsup]


Thinking out loud here but one could easily build a mylar blanket or two into a debris hut for a nice hidey-hole.

Sandwiching mylar survival blankets inbetween sil-nylon tarps could be easy with access to a sewing maching. Run a few extra seams to "quilt" the layers, and apply seam sealer to the threads and you've got your very own "Cloaking Device". [pot] [laugh]
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I am guessing I could improve upon this by having the mylar/tarp below evergreen trees, and put some kind of camo that hunters use over it. That would break up the slight anomaly that I still see (tarp looks different than ground), plus it would be good for daytime searching.
Can't find it anywhere. I wonder if they got threatened/pressured into taking it down, though they don't seem like the type to roll over. It looks like it was pretty popular.
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Post a link if you find it.

The video seems to be thoroughly scrubbed off the 'net. I figured someone would have copied & re-posted the thing, but it's just gone. Found only references to it, and dead links.

From the person who originally posted it:

Do you remember this post and video: *VIDEO* Thermal Shield Test by Apache FLIR – Pass!?

Well, at the request of those that made and sent me the video, I have taken the video down.

I hope you watched it while you had the chance!

UPDATE: There has been a flurry of activity today as it appears that the chain of command of the team that sent me the Apache video have become aware of it and are pissed.....

From here:
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Thinking out loud here but one could easily build a mylar blanket or two into a debris hut for a nice hidey-hole.

Sandwiching mylar survival blankets inbetween sil-nylon tarps could be easy with access to a sewing maching. Run a few extra seams to "quilt" the layers, and apply seam sealer to the threads and you've got your very own "Cloaking Device". [pot] [laugh]

While I like where your head is at. [smile] I don't think a sewing machine would be the way to go. I would be worried that all those little holes the needle made in the mylar would would bleed enough light to be picked up. Obviously I'm just speculating. I just have this image of a net looking pattern of tiny lights in my mind, assuming it was quilted as you mentioned.
The site that hosted the video had been doing R&D on the portable thermal imaging " cloak , based on Taliban field expedient methods , which only sort of worked. He refined the idea and built some prototypes - one of which was in the video mentioned.

More refinement was done after the video , along with theory of use and technique , the product is now available on his site for retail , made in America , by Americans.

Google Max Velocity Tactical , max velocity Shield ... Lots of very interesting reading on his site.
I'll have to experiment with those materials but I have a feeling that I can defeat it with some imager technology sitting around my office.

Sent from my C6530 using Tapatalk
Could the mylar blanket be spray painted camo and still work ?

You need multiple layers to insulate the heat from building up and heating up the blanket. If you threw one on now and walked in front thermal sight it would work for a short period of time. If you walked 500 yards wearing just that one blanket, the blanket would become warm since its the only layer and you would still stand out like a Christmas tree.
How did they secure the 3 layers together? 3M spray glue? Also, has anyone yet mention the noise the suit inherently creates with movement? Yes they won't see you, but they might hear you walking which is another method your position is revealed.
How did they secure the 3 layers together? 3M spray glue? Also, has anyone yet mention the noise the suit inherently creates with movement? Yes they won't see you, but they might hear you walking which is another method your position is revealed.

Unclear. But they have secured them together somehow, as you can now buy a cloak from them.

They were mainly concerned with concealment from drones. I doubt a drone can hear you over the noise of its own engine. As for ground troops, that is always an issue regardless of FLIR.
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