Bass River 8/4

May 1, 2018
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Can anyone confirm this is still on for this Sunday in Yarmouthport? Want to go check out my first match (spectator) but its about an hour drive so I dont want to get there and find out its cancelled or anything.
Thank you MAShooter. you just saved me 2 hours worth of driving time. put in for membership in that facebook group.
No USPSA at Bass River for November. The match directors will be out of state working a higher tier match.

The club will be running IDPA on that day, weather depending.
you guys shooting this sunday? any side match? Have yet to make it down for a match at bass river, but everyone keeps telling me how good it is.
Looks like yes they are shooting USPSA 12/2 depending on weather. My weather report ap shows sun on Saturday and rain on Sunday.
IDPA will be 12/16 weather permitting as well.
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