BCG vs dedicated upper vs M&P

Jan 24, 2013
N.Central MA.
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I'm torn between trying to find a .22 BCG for my AR or picking up a dedicated upper.
The BCG runs less than $200 while an upper would run me $450. But if I'm going to
spend $450 should I just pick up a S&W M&P 15-22?
Each has advantages but which has the most all around value?

Ok, but if I'm paying for an upper... Why not buy the M&P?
I do understand the barrel is designed for the .22 & the getting used to one gun but for almost the same money you could buy another weapon. (devils advocate)
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Ok, but if I'm paying for an upper... Why not buy the M&P?

A dedicated upper will allow you to more closely replicate your "real" AR with the .22

An M&P15-22 isn't set up anything like my AR is, but I sure-as-shit can find .22 uppers that match my 5.56 upper real close, so the training is as realistic as possible.
I'm no sniper, would I know the difference?

I wouldn't know really I've only shot s&w ar22 with a red dot and colddayinhells mp15 sport iron sights with a .22 bolt to compare . With my shooting with iron sights they seemed just as good lol. . It's just every thing I heard over and over using a bcg it wont be as accurate as a dedicated upper.

But it's the cheapest way to go , the only down side is your sights will be off shooting .22lr vs .223/5.56 .
A dedicated upper for 22lr would have something like a 1:16 twist (?) probably stabilizing the bullet a bit more than a 1:7 or 1:9 standard AR barrel (maybe I am off on that)
I've done a bit of research on this because I have a poly lower I want to make into a 22 platform. So, this my summary based on that research and my opinion. Opinions are like a$$holes, everyone has one, so take what you want from the following.

- The BCG conversion kits are finicky, tend to jam, and can be ammo snobs. I won't use one of these.
- Dedicated 22 upper - Depending on the upper and what they use, they can be just as picky as a BCG, but typically have all the kinks worked out and can be a reliable platform. I've been waiting for the Nordic Components NC22 upper to be available since they use a bolt more like the 10/22 (square vs round) and appears to be designed to address the conversion issues.
- M&P 15-22 - A great little rifle, but different enough that if you are looking to replicate your AR platform, it won't be the same. Functionally they're close. By itself, I'd recommend it if you want to practice your sighting and whatnot. Also really fun for a steel challenge [smile]

Overall, you need to decide what your ultimate goals are and what bet matches that.
Good info.... If I were to M&P it would just add to the day at the range... I'm not going zombie hunting & IF SHTF I doubt I'd be the difference of death or survival :)
I settled on a dedicated upper because I wanted to simulate my 223 AR as closely as possible and I also wanted optimum accuracy which requires a barrel with a twist compatible with 22 LR ammo. I also settled on an upper based on the Atchisson/Ciener model. These uppers have been around forever and are made by several reliable manufacturers. My current favorite is one made by CMMG. I chose the Ciener system because it is popular and likely to be made for many years to come. I have seen several dedicated uppers (one made by DPMS for example) which were discontinued. This means no service, but, more importantly NO Parts. You are screwed. Parts for the Atchisson/Ciener uppers should be around for many years to come.

I didn't balk at the $450 I paid for my upper as expected it to last forever, with routine maintenance and some parts replacement. Over the last ten years or so I have fired about 20.000 rounds of 22 LR through a couple of uppers. 22 LR at $.03 per round vs 223 at $.30 per round. The savings are huge.

There are now carbine matches that have a rimfire class. Pioneer in NH ran a great match last year and will most likely be hosting another this year. I can't wait!
I'm going to rock a dedicated for a couple reasons 1) I can hot swap between the .223 and a .22 upper whenever I want to with just one lower. it just takes a couple seconds to pop the pins and throw the next upper. 2) the dedicated is all designed to work together. the barrel, bcg all works, in theory. 3) the m&p is lite, and a dedicated will give a closer feel and function to an AR in .223.

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I picked up a .22 bcg and mags from Stag a few weeks ago. Ordered months ago... It's a CMMG. All I can say is that it works and it's worth it to me. Flawless operation. My 12 yo couldn't believe the lack of recoil. It's nice to be able to blow through a couple hundred rounds and not drop $100. It's nice for training too. It's not as accurate as our 10/22s, but it's not too bad. If you're really concerned about accuracy with it, go with the dedicated upper. I went with the BCG because I wanted the upper to be exactly what I use every day.
After debating the options, I did a Tactical Solutions upper. Absolutely the best choice. Not cheap, however. $700 for the upper and another $500 for the Super Sniper scope and rings.

Then again, it's paid for and all I have now is the big grin as I easily pop Necco Wafers at 100 yards.
I purchased a Chippa upper just for plinking. Got a New Frontier polymer lower and put it together. My original bolt had issues which Chiappa quickly replaced with an updated bolt. We shoot it all the time with no issues now. I do recommend the buffer for the tube as it keeps the top of the bolt from hitting the top of the recoil tube. I am real happy with it now and for cheap money.
I purchased a Chippa upper just for plinking. Got a New Frontier polymer lower and put it together. My original bolt had issues which Chiappa quickly replaced with an updated bolt. We shoot it all the time with no issues now. I do recommend the buffer for the tube as it keeps the top of the bolt from hitting the top of the recoil tube. I am real happy with it now and for cheap money.

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Pros and cons
22lr adapter
PRO- less expensive goes into your rifle you want to train with
CONS - accuracy is not so good.....Mather for tactic la type training where you looking for "hits on Target " with in 50 yards.
I had the cmmg unit. Function fine but I put 1k rounds through it. The little tip that goes into the neck seem to let fouling by. It took some serious soaking to break that scrub loose. It actually built up enough to keep 556 rounds from chambering.

Dedicated upper.
Pro - you can get many different opptions. From a tactical platform to a high end A2 rifle set up for serious target shooting.
Most take the black dog Mag's which work well and are found everywhere and cheaper than colt and sw Mag's for their 22s

End use and what you expect are the final decission maker.
I went with s tactical solutions tax lite model. Runs great and accurate. I just dontvlike the feel or set up of the 22 clone guns like the colt, rugger, note tactical solutions does not eject a live round with authority. There is no "true " ejector on it. Which can suck for clearing a good for actual training imho
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I purchased it last year on the MA tax free day. I shot it about 25-40rds and the bolt failed. I emailed Chiappa when I got home, sent them pictures then sent the failed bolt in to them. They sent a new bolt back within 10 days or so. My LGS just had two of the kits last week but sold them both. When I asked about the bolts he told me both kits had the updated bolts. (he knew what the updated bolts looked like because I brought mine into the shop to show him when I got it back from Chiappa) One note on the Chiappa conversion: The charging handle will drag on the rear of the New Frontier polymer frame where the stock tube is screwed into frame. This area is just slightly thicker than my MP15 lower. I leave the .22 upper on my S&W lower and my S&W upper on the New Frontier lower as I didn't want to shave down the polymer at all. I wouldn't think twice about buying another Chiappa for my son's MP 15 if he wanted one.
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