Feb 16, 2011
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Looking to order a bcm upper possibly 14
.5 . My question is what. Would be a mass compliant flash hider / muzzle device to get installed? They can ship it with the standard A2 birdcage and permanantly attach it bit is the birdcage mass compliant? Any help would be great thanks guys.
I have an FSC556 pinned on my 14.5 to bring it to a MA compliant 16". You could also use a Battlecomp 1.5, it is made for just this application.
Looking to order a bcm upper possibly 14
.5 . My question is what. Would be a mass compliant flash hider / muzzle device to get installed? They can ship it with the standard A2 birdcage and permanantly attach it bit is the birdcage mass compliant? Any help would be great thanks guys.

Assuming you are placing it on POST-BAN lower - then no it would NOT be legal to have a A2 flashider on it. You need to have a comp/brake on it. A battle comp would be legal and pretty sweet
That's what I thought about the birdcage I just wanted to make sure. Bcm has 14.5 and 16 in uppers in stock right now for 399.

I've owned several BCM uppers, and I have been very pleased with them. Don't forget to order a BCG too (unless you already have one).

BCM will pin a brake for you if you get a 16", but it will cost extra and you have to contact them. Or you can just get the 14.5 with the battle comp pinned on.
As a side note, the new Spike's Dyancomp extreme is a great new comp with a hole pre-drilled for those 14.5 uppers. Costs under $100 and it works great as a comp!
From what im hearing yes they will remove the lug.

I want that same 14.5 with battle comp attached. It looks really nice . Are you going A2 or A3 platform?
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