My mom is looking at hiking The Vermont Long Trail from MA to Canada. She has come to me, the gun nut of the family, with what would be the best thing for her to have during her 270+ mile walk in the woods. I have come up with a short list of "anti bear" guns, and am wondering what you all think and may be able to offer for advice.
44 mag revolver: Pro simple, easy to use, rugged, light, quick follow up shot
Con heavy recoil, limited use
45-70/44mag lever action: Pro less recoil, rugged, long gun
Con heavy, slower follow up, limited use, long gun
12g w/assorted loads(already owned): Pro versital(food gathering if needed), rugged
Con heavy, slower follow up
I would be joining her for at least 1 week and she would be traveling with about 5 people (2 of them minors). I would be sending her with 2 guns (a 9mm and one of the above), spread out between 2 of the adults in the group. Weight is a concern, but not as high as safety. What do you guys think?
44 mag revolver: Pro simple, easy to use, rugged, light, quick follow up shot
Con heavy recoil, limited use
45-70/44mag lever action: Pro less recoil, rugged, long gun
Con heavy, slower follow up, limited use, long gun
12g w/assorted loads(already owned): Pro versital(food gathering if needed), rugged
Con heavy, slower follow up
I would be joining her for at least 1 week and she would be traveling with about 5 people (2 of them minors). I would be sending her with 2 guns (a 9mm and one of the above), spread out between 2 of the adults in the group. Weight is a concern, but not as high as safety. What do you guys think?