Beretta 92/WWB Slide Jam

Apr 24, 2011
MetroWest Boston
Feedback: 10 / 3 / 0
Today at SSC practice a Beretta 92 jammed with the slide about 3/4" out of battery and a live round partially chambered. After trying all the usual tricks, I placed the slide against the edge of a wooden bench and carefully leaned my body weight against the frame. The partially chambered round eventually slid out. The round was mangled. I can't tell if the round was mangled when it was loaded into the magazine, or if the gun mangled it. We had a bunch of newbies at practice today, and it's conceivable that one of them loaded a mangled round. We went through about 1,000 rounds of Winchester White Box today, which is a good practice for us. (We also got in some good time with the rifles. My son is getting pretty good with the Garand, to the point that he brought home some targets to post on the 'fridge. I'm getting better with the 1886 Springfield, though I'm mostly developing a healthy respect for the marksmen who were able to shoot well with those sights!)

The offending bullet is crooked in the case, and its tip has been damaged. The case wall is bulged out on one side where the heel of the bullet pushed it out of shape, and the case wall is crushed on the other side.

Can anyone tell from the attached photos what went wrong? I'm mostly a 1911 guy, and I've never seen anything like this happen with a 1911.


IMG_9581.jpg IMG_9587.jpg
(Sorry about the grainy photos. It's the best I could do with the available equipment.)
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If it was WWB I would bet pretty much anything that round was bad. Derek and others here have seen similar defects in the box. Whoever loaded up the magazine probably missed the munged case mouth.

Looks like damaged rounds from the factory. WWB sucks ass. It's good to shoot as far as cheap range/target ammo goes. The brass is decent, well worth the initial investment if your intention is to save the brass for reloading but it's sub par ammo for sure.
Those pics look like classic loading damage to me. WWB has little to zero QC.
There's tons of threads complaining about this issue.
I would agree with the above two posts. The way the case mouth is crinkled like that, the bullet was mis-aligned as it was being loaded into the case.

Winchesters fault - not Berettas.
I would say ammo was the issue. I had been shooting the 92 for about 8 years before we switched to the Sig 229 through thousands of rounds. I have seen what you have explained a few times they failed to take the belling out of the case neck. Most of the time feeding problems come from bad ammo or magazines on the 92 but it will eat mostly whatever its fed. Winchester is notorious for bad batches of ammo. I have seen bullets seated backwards crushed cases and no primers. Yes the 92 is known for broken locking blocks, Cracked slides and blown barrels but it’s a solid weapon and will last a long time.
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