Best 357 mag load for 2" barrel?

Jul 18, 2011
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Im looking for the most powerfull 357 mag factory load for a snubnose I can find (highest energy from a 2" barrel)? I know recoil is going to be stout. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

From a 2" barrel, they all will lack the sort of ME one expects from a .357mag ... a lot of that energy is going into the fireball because the powder's still burning at 2" from almost all commercial loads... Looks like CorBon 125 gr. DPX was the test winner for muzzle energy at 2" at ballistics-by-the-inch, but you should also look at specialty short barrel loads like Speer Gold Dot Short Barrel 135gr. .357mag or you could just go with a short-barrel .38+P load like the Buffalo Bore 125 gr. JHC +P.
It looks as if the Corbon only gets around 300 ft pounds of energy. Critical defence claims 400 ft pounds from a 2" barrel. There is also a youtube vid, with a guy cronoing loads, got like 500 ft pounds from a 2" barrel with law man ammo.

I dont know what to believe anymore.[sad2]
Um... I really, really doubt 500ftlbs from a 2" barrel with any factory load. Ballistics by the inch has no conflict of interest, not to mention the raw findings are shot from a closed breach, no cyl gap barrel...

500ftlbs is 124gr at 1347fps!
Speer doesn't make a Lawman .357mag load these days. Maybe they did once. I have no idea what those were. I suppose an older load might be pretty stout (.357 mag was, once), but ... considering Lawman's supposed to be trainers for defense loads, they shouldn't outperform them. Also considering the loads from doubletap, which loads them crazy hot only hit 575ftlbs from a 2"... 500ftlbs from a 2" barrel factory practice load? I really have no idea what those were. drumenigma's suggestion of Hornady at 396ftlbs is probably a good contender. Have a look at if sheer ME is what you're after. Low flash powder mixes as well.
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