Best Deer/Turkey Shotgun

Apr 6, 2009
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Im looking at either a Mossberg 500 Turkey/Deer combo or a Remington 870 Supermag Combo any feedback on the better choice?
I have the Mossberg model 500 trophy slugster combo. It has two removable cheek pieces so you can get alligned properly with the barrel for bird hunting or the scope for deer hunting. It comes with both a 28 inch bird barrel with 3 chokes and a 24" cantilervered and ported rifled slug barrel. Mine is a tack driver with 3 inch Lightfield commander slugs. 3" groups at 125 yards.
Bullshit, my safety has not loosened up at all in 10 years and my reciever certainly is not aluminum...

I have three Mossberg 500 shotguns in three different configurations (including a nice used one that I just picked up yesterday.) All three appear to have aluminum receivers. I don't think aluminum is necessarily a bad thing - it's lighter, won't rust, and is cheaper for the manufacturer (which means cheaper for the consumer.)

The safety can occasionally loosen up a bit if you use it a lot. If that happens, just use a bit of locktite on the screw. If that doesn't work try replacing the detent spring. No big deal. (They come from the factory with locktite, so if the screw loosens it may be because someone took it apart at one time and forgot the locktite when they reassembled.)

Rem 870s are nice too. You can't really go wrong with either one.
Nope REM 870 MAG, Safety switch on the Moss lossen up and alum reciver, Rems are all steel and eiser to field strip and clean

The 870 is not the be all end all to shotguns,there are plenty of good shottys on the market new or used.

A Mossy is a good shotgun for little money, treated well (like any gun) it will last a lifetime.
Seriously, unless you want a camo-wrapped tacti-turkey-cool shotgun, just pick up a Mossberg 500 Combo at DSG and be done with it. I'm not a Mossberg fan per se, but every single one of these we have sold has been a great value and the folks who buy them - love them. It comes with a deer and field barrel, (28"), scope and three chokes. If you want a dedicated turkey choke, you can get one for about 20-bucks. The whole package is about $350.00 You can also get a 535 turkey/waterfowl combo for a bit more and have all the camo goodness...
I like the Supernova.

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Well I was on my way to get the Mossberg, and sure enough I run into an old friend who introdcued me to his SX3 Extreme Turkey From I am mulling over whether or not to go with that upgrade, but most likely my original pick. By the way anyone know of a Mossberg Dealer in NH
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