Best Front Sight Color


NES Member
Sep 20, 2006
Far North New Hampshire
Feedback: 8 / 0 / 0
The red (more orangeish, actually) insert on the front sight of my Model 60 no dash (I'm dashing enough, thank you) is loose in the front sight.

I guess the best way to replace it is to make your own, from what I'm seeing.

If I'm going to make my own, I figure I can do any color I want.

I'm wondering if green would be better than the standard red, since I keep hearing about we see green better for lasers.

Or maybe black would be best for contrast?

Anyone use multiple colors on a handgun, and what seems to be best.

Shouldn't need to be said since it is a Model 60, but this is a self defense gun, not a target or hunting gun.

Thanks for the inputs.
My concern for green is what if I'm aiming in an area with foliage? Green on green isn't going to pick up too well.
I have a hard time picking up sights in the red hues. I use green on all my hunting guns and am starting to switch over my others.
Black sights with bright white dots have always been my preference. But you're talking a wheelgun with an integral front sight post right? I hardly ever carry a wheelgun, though oddly enough I'm carrying my nickel model 36 today because I'm going to a wake later on and I'll need to ankle holster it.
Yeah, it's a small sliver of plastic that was dovetailed into the ramp sight. Whatever S&W did, it held since the mid 80's. I figure I'll make my own insert, either from plastic lying around (looking at my daughter's pink toothbrush and thinking, now) or from brass.
I figure I can make it a little oversized and cram it into the dovetail with no damage. I like the thought of brass, but it may be out of my skill level. I'll see how the plastic goes. Either green or red, not sure.
I had a topic on this a while back. I did my ccw with orange on front, green in back
Yeah, it's a small sliver of plastic that was dovetailed into the ramp sight. Whatever S&W did, it held since the mid 80's. I figure I'll make my own insert, either from plastic lying around (looking at my daughter's pink toothbrush and thinking, now) or from brass.
I figure I can make it a little oversized and cram it into the dovetail with no damage. I like the thought of brass, but it may be out of my skill level. I'll see how the plastic goes. Either green or red, not sure.

Oh I see. I meant brass or gold "bead" sight.
Something along the lines of these.

Gold Sight Bead | Brownells
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