Best Sig CC Option?

Oct 14, 2012
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Hello all,

I am looking to buy a Sig for concealed carry. I want a Sig because I like the brand and quality and almost got a p226 but instead went for the more economical SW M&P.

I do not plan on carrying daily but would like a weapon that can be if I need to carry occasionally. I am looking for a .45. I would like to get the biggest frame possible for it to still be easily concealed. The MP I own is a bit too large to be comfortably carried concealed.

I have been looking around and have my own opinions but would like to hear other people's recommendations.
If I had to carry a Sig and it had to be in .45, then of the current production guns I think the P220 compact would be the way to go. Heavy as hell, low capacity, etc., but the best option available given the constraints.
No way, go sig 550.

"Send it" like chinalfr from my can attached to a string from another can in the lair of the dark lord kramdar.
While everyone else is suggesting DA pistols, my interpretation of the OP's question is that he was asking about Sig Sauer 1911 pistols.

Is there a DA .45ACP Sig that is more reliable or compact than than a M&P45c?
Is there a DA .45ACP Sig that is more reliable or compact than a Glock 30/30S/36?
What state are you in? If you are in (or near) New Hampshire, and fixated on Sig, might as well make the trip to Epping, see the entire product line in person.
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