Beware of the UN, admin please read

Mar 31, 2006
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This is a copy and paste of a thread posted by the admin at snipers paradise. It will speak for itself.

Thought some of you might get a kick out of this. We go through the registrations daily. We do this for a couple of reasons. One of which is to try and weed out the obvious SPAMMERS, obvious nut jobs, and other undesirables. I just deleted an account for the UN that registered this am. Sure, out of the thousands of people that work at the UN, and yes the ip address did map to the UN in NY, there might be a couple that would find info here useful. Mainly the UN police force. But the chances that this individual fits into that category are slim to none. So given the UNs very public stance on wanting to rid the united States of our Second Amendment, I went ahead and deleted this one and banned their ip address to prevent future registrations.

So, if you are the person from the UN and you have a legitimate reason for registering here that does not included collecting data and quotes to use against us and our rights here in the US, please email us. Email us here and explain your situation to us and we will make sure to get you the appropriate membership level and help. Otherwise, we will delete your accounts as we find them without warning or explanation other than this one.
The point of the post is that the UN collects info from sites like this one to use against us at a later date.
Problem is that ANYONE can read all but the two restricted forums here on NES. NO need to even register!

So they can gather a ton of info from here and use it against us.
Problem is that ANYONE can read all but the two restricted forums here on NES. NO need to even register!

So they can gather a ton of info from here and use it against us.

Sure, people often call me naive...but in the short time I've been here I can't say I've seen anything too outlandish. A bit of bravado from some posters, but nothing bad. Am I missing something?
Sure, people often call me naive...but in the short time I've been here I can't say I've seen anything too outlandish. A bit of bravado from some posters, but nothing bad. Am I missing something?

It's not that you're missing something hun. A very innocent comment made even as a joke to something else that's posted could well be twisted by the anti's to fit their agenda. Keep in mind, they hate us. they can also KMA, but that's besides the point. [smile]
Problem is that ANYONE can read all but the two restricted forums here on NES. NO need to even register!

So they can gather a ton of info from here and use it against us.

Well block all of them to just memebers! that one someone has to sign up to get in.

I am sure the AG has there little spys in here reading stuff day to day!
A simple "lock" preventing unregistered individuals from reading the forums is typical around the internet.

So they take the two minutes to register and continue... The U.N. is nothing but a toothless puppy.
Well block all of them to just memebers! that one someone has to sign up to get in.

I am sure the AG has there little spys in here reading stuff day to day!

I suggested this early on here, but was over-ruled. There are valid reasons not to require registration prior to reading:

- How do I know I want to be associated with a forum if I can't get a flavor for it prior to registration?

- It will turn people away. I know that I've run into that wall a few times and decided not to register and just exited the website.

What will registration prevent?

- Any agency can have people register from home or a dial-up account that wouldn't nail down the agency they are checking from.

- Nobody is prevented in advance from registering, just like nobody is prevented in advance from paying $19 and having access to the restricted forum.

BTW, I know of some real good people on here from gov't agencies, so one can't make an assumption that because someone works for ABC agency that they "toe the party line" of "all guns are evil". Some folks are free-thinkers.

My biggest reason for wanting read-restricted has to do with the "bots" that archive stuff forever and a year! Google key-word search can bring up a cached reply totally out of context many years from now and someone can use it to bite someone in the ass.
The point of the post is that the UN collects info from sites like this one to use against us at a later date.

With a few noteable exceptions of some rather odd and obviously imature interlopers, it is pretty rare to see anything that could be "used against us" here.

We should all be concious of how we present ourselves. I hope that as a whole we present our selves as pretty regular folks, not a bunch of nuts looking to overthrow the gov't. And as I've said before: don't type anything you don't want read.
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