Bolt-action rifle's bore fouls faster then semi-auto bore?

Apr 21, 2011
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I have a bolt action Savage 84-c in .22lr. I shot it today, along with my Marlin 795, running the same ammo. And the bore on the Savage always seems to get a lot dirtier and get tons of little particles of crap in the bore. Any reason as to why? With the Marlin, I usually have to only give it 3 patches every few hundred rounds with this brand of .22lr, before it is clean. Is it because most of the particles of powder and what not gets flung out the ejection port on the Marlin?
it's a .22

stop cleaning the bore unless accuracy goes to hell...then, lightly clean it, until accuracy comes back.

.22's are finicky....99.9% of them shoot better when they're good and fouled with 1 particular brand of ammo (same lead alloy, same lube)....when you clean're scrubbing all that fouling out.

the particles are probably bits of unburnt powder. I have to clean the lower out that my dedicated .22 ar15 is on quite a bit, simply due to the amount of crap the .22 ammo pukes into the internals.

clean the rifle, not the bore.
First off, I have to agree with Jasper about cleaning the bore on a .22 - there is no reason to clean it every few hundred rounds. It can go thousands of rounds between cleanings, and you are actually possibly doing more damage to the barrel by cleaning it so often than if you left it alone.

As far as why one fouls more than the other, I am going to speculate that maybe the Microgroove rifling in the Marlin makes a slightly better seal with the bullet, and allows the powder charge to burn more completely, and maybe that is why it seems to be cleaner.
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