Braintree club open tomorrow?

May 21, 2009
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It's too late to call now, I know the new members are doing their oreintation but is that going to close the range all day? What time do you think I'd be able to shoot?
If you mean the indoor range, it's closed until the class is over. Usually done by 11AM, but I haven't been there during a class in a very long time. The other range will be open and outdoors after 12 Noon.
the old indoor range will be open normally unless the class is touring it at the time. the new range will be closed during the class because of the noise. the outdoor range will be open for it's normal hours unless the class is touring it as well.
I was just down there, I guess I can only shoot the more expensive 00 buckshot (9 pellets) at the rifle range. The target load can only be shot at the trap range which is only open on Sundays. Rules are rules but it'd be expensive as all hell to shoot during the week because of the cost for the 00 buckshot. It's like 6.00 for 5 rounds vs 6.00 for 25 of the target load.

Is 00 buckshot that expensive everywhere?
I was just down there, I guess I can only shoot the more expensive 00 buckshot (9 pellets) at the rifle range. The target load can only be shot at the trap range which is only open on Sundays. Rules are rules but it'd be expensive as all hell to shoot during the week because of the cost for the 00 buckshot. It's like 6.00 for 5 rounds vs 6.00 for 25 of the target load.

Is 00 buckshot that expensive everywhere?

Bring a friend and clays whenever the Trap Committee isn't there (although you can't shoot outdoors before 12Noon on Sundays), you can use the hand-trap machine. It takes a second person to operate it, that's the only drawback.

Yes, 00 buck and slugs seem to run ~$4/box of 5. Gets expensive.
I'm actually kind of surprised they dont just let people shoot shotguns by themselves up there. If I can bring a buddy and shot clays I would assume I'd be able to shoot solo. I have a buddy in Harvard, MA.....that range is super relaxed. I think the residential area around the BRP range makes the people who run it have to be extra safe so they dont get a ton of complaints.
You think correctly.

However, you must shoot from the same pads that are used for the automatic trap machine. They are located probably 10-30' away from the manual trap thrower. So if you can figure out how to do this safely by yourself, please inform the CRO so that it can be taken into consideration for approval. [rofl]
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