brendon herrara

He has a video up stating that the new director of the ATF (whoever that will be) needs to go around to all the pending court cases and agree with the plaintiffs. He says if the ATF goes on record for enough cases it would create precedent that would take the Democrats decades to unwrap. He stated once that is done then the new director could request the President disband the department at that point. He has said if we abolish the ATF first then their duties would actually fall to another department like the DOJ or the FBI and they have a much larger force and budget so it would be a bad thing for us.
If we get him within 6 months that would be great. Apparently the federal government can file articles of impeachment on corrupt judges and senate can do its thing. So we can get proper ruling. The judges are being annoying with dogs so we can probably get rid of those judges.
No, I think maybe it is autistic. We don't know if boy or girl. There seems to be no emotion either. Even the AI stuff pretends to have emotion.
So you are agreeing with me verbatim. OP is Maura. Thanks for your affirmation.
Quit jerkin' it to the mythical idea that some dude that Internet trolls suggested as a cabinet pick will swoop in and give you a magical permission slip for something.
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