Browning High Power questions

Apr 1, 2011
Berkshire county, ma
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Really thinking about either a high power or a 5906, ive always wanted a full metal frame auto. What should I be looking for as far as problems with the high powers? specific issues, is it ammo picky? What are popular mods for them? i hear the factory triggers are atrocious...

HPs have no issues IMHO. I have one built in 1935 and it's tack driver. The prices have skyrocketed lately and just don't overpay for one. John Browning was a god and the HP is one of the best pistols made.

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The triggers can be pretty bad and you might get hammer bite but it is all depending on grip. Mine is not picky with ammo at all.

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No worries. PM inbound. Not many members have HP though, and I know Mr Weebles has a good collection of 5906 and those 4 digit type S&W's , although I've never tried one so I can't speak about it.

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Shoot a cz75 before buying a hipower. (Assuming youve shot a hp as well). If I had, I would have a cz in my safe instead of my hipower. On the other hand if your around the quincy area your more than welcome to try my hipower at brp.
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There are a lot of junk magazines out there for hi-powers, especially when you start hunting for pre-bans, even more so when we're talking about the 20+ round mags. My hi-power will kind of function with one of the FEG clone magazines, not feed really at all with pro-mag and various no names, but works perfectly with mec-gars and hi-power factory magazines. Many people will remove the magazine safety disconnect, which improves trigger pull considerably as well as allowing magazines to drop free.
Birth Year Birthday Gun

Just resurrecting this thread...

I'm looking for a birth year birthday present for my upcoming 35th birthday. My first thought was a Browning Hi Power. Why? Because John Moses Browning. Then this thread got me looking at CZ 75s as well so I thought I'd bring the thread back to life and see if I can get some more info out of you guys.

I'm really only looking for one made in 1978, but I'll listen to anything you have to say about newer/older models too. God knows I'll probably need more than one of each.

Aaaaaannnnnddddd: Enlighten me!

Reference Material
JHP Serial numbers for 1978: 245RPxxxxx
CZ 75 manufacture date stamped on slide behind ejection port
whatever you do, if you get a HP, don't chrome and gold plate it or it will look horrible ! :)


I got a good deal on a FM hi power. Argentinian goodness, way cheaper than a FN. Not sure what they are going for these days. But mine is an early 80s import that sat in someones closet for 20 years.
While Saint John Moses started the development, the HP was more influenced by Dieudonné Saive.
Browning passed 9 years before the Grande Puissance was brought to market.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I've never really believed in that history mumbo jumbo. Next you'll be telling me that Christopher Columbus wasn't the first human in America and he didn't actually land at Plymouth Rock.


There's some cool history to this gun. The more I learn about it, the more I want one or eight.
I hope you know I meant that chrome/gold gun [grin].

Usually I prefer stainless guns, but something about the blued BHPs just appeals to me.

Ohhh. Yeah I only like chrome 1911s AND only if it has original siblings. My first 1911 will be the SR1911. A chrome one will be sometime in my life though. Baller status.
Mini re-resurrection of this thread.

Local shop has two Hi-powers for sale.
One is a FN with the thumb cut-out in the slide. Nice condition; maybe 90%. They want $1000, which I think is a little too much.

The other is an absolutely perfect T-series with the original bill of sale from 1969 from a shop down in Portland ($369 or so). When I say perfect, I mean it. Never been in a holster and if it's been fired beyond the factory, you'd never know it. They want $1450 for it. Lot of money, but it's like stepping back 44 years and buying it new.

What do you think of those prices?

And to keep it J.M.B., they also have a rough Colt 1911 from 1918 for $799.
Those seem pretty high IMO but you rarely see any BHP sell for under $600-700 even in bad condition. A few members on here have a lot more history on these than myself but I certainly wouldn't pay either of those prices. Now the 1911 is a whole different story. That is a good price but not if it's really bad shape.
Those seem pretty high IMO but you rarely see any BHP sell for under $600-700 even in bad condition. A few members on here have a lot more history on these than myself but I certainly wouldn't pay either of those prices. Now the 1911 is a whole different story. That is a good price but not if it's really bad shape.

It's really pretty rough. U.S. Property mark is barely visible in perfect light. I can't make out the Army stamp on the other side either. Might have been rusted at one time and then wire-wheeled or something. Original grips are in decent shape, though.
Can come with a correct period belt, holster, and mag pouch for another $100.
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