Bump helmet worth it?

Cluster F

USMC Veteran
NES Member
Jul 17, 2010
Marlborough, MA
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So I’m looking to round out some gear set up. I don’t have night vision. I would love to in the future haha wouldn’t we all. I was curious on everyone’s take on a bump helmet for the obvious grape protection and to hold a set of hearing protection.
A bump cap can be almost anything from a cheap hard hat to Team Wendy non ballistic.
Bike helmets are cheap and I keep a few around just as bump caps.
You can drill for light or nods mounts easily.
I meen bump helmets are pretty cheap and easy to add ear pro to. Didn’t know anyone opinion if they run them or not. Can always upgrade and add stuff later on
If NVG is your end game then yes, a bump helmet is definitely required. If you wanted to cheap out then you can go with Hard Hat Veteran but your only saving a couple hundred and you get an inferior product in comparison to Team Wendy or Ops core. Ultimately, the bump is going to be one of the least expensive things you get when you do decide on NVGs. I wouldn't sweat the cost of the helmet. My whole setup costs over $3k and that's not including the nods.
They get heavy quick.

If you ever intend to hang expensive NV devices off the front of it, get one that has, or accepts a real metal shroud and not a molded plastic one. I have an older opscore that has a molded plastic shroud to take my NV mount and it has so much play I had to shim my G24 mount with wire tape to keep my binos from wiggling. That is infuriating when I think about how much money I have into that retarded helmet.
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I bought this thing. Its multi-use aspect made it easier to ju$tify. The BOA fitment works great, requiring no extra fiddling when wearing a balaclava or the like.

ETA, I've used it with a Wilcox mount and FLIR Breach, with a battery on the opposite side. And some Princeton Tec lights. I've also used it while snowboarding with a GoPro clipped in.

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So I’m looking to round out some gear set up. I don’t have night vision. I would love to in the future haha wouldn’t we all. I was curious on everyone’s take on a bump helmet for the obvious grape protection and to hold a set of hearing protection.
I would say it's worth it especially if you're going to hang a few thousand dollars off of it at some point.

They get heavy quick.

If you ever intend to hang expensive NV devices off the front of it, get one that has, or accepts a real metal shroud and not a molded plastic one. I have an older opscore that has a molded plastic shroud to take my NV mount and it has so much play I had to shim my G24 mount with wire tape to keep my binos from wiggling. That is infuriating when I think about how much money I have into that retarded helmet.
I have the OpsCore FAST Bump Helmet. No idea of the "generation/model" of it. Where the NV mount is, is just part of the plastic helmet exterior that's molded to accept it, is that what you're talking about? Mine fits nice and snug but I can see how it might wear in certain spots over time and cause gaps.
I have the OpsCore FAST Bump Helmet. No idea of the "generation/model" of it. Where the NV mount is, is just part of the plastic helmet exterior that's molded to accept it, is that what you're talking about? Mine fits nice and snug but I can see how it might wear in certain spots over time and cause gaps.
Yes, that is exactly my complaint.
I have a customer that has ballistic helmets and NV and got a bunch of bumps for employees for overseas travel. After the first trip, they bought everyone ballistic helmets. The bumps were Team Wendy which means good bumps as bumps go, but they do not compare to ballistic helmets in function or durability.

I'd not cheap out and go ballistic vs bump. You will never regret the decision.
If you don’t have NV then why are you wearing/looking for a bump helmet ?

Having problems licking windows ?
I'll be honest, if I didn't have nods, I wouldn't ever have bought a helmet. They are annoying. Even with my helmet, I have a second set of comms enabled Comtacs and a head lamp for when I don't need/want my $10k skateboard helmet.
I'll be honest, if I didn't have nods, I wouldn't ever have bought a helmet. They are annoying. Even with my helmet, I have a second set of comms enabled Comtacs and a head lamp for when I don't need/want my $10k skateboard helmet.

Also, re-reading OP, just for noggin' protection and ears, I can't say it'd be worth it. I only got the helmet because I got the nods. If you are set on getting nods for sure, just at some future date, then yea, worth.
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