buying a polymer pistol in MA question

Apr 1, 2009
Medford, MA
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Hi I'm new to the forum and to semi-auto polymer pistols. I'm waiting for my LTC to come in and I'm trying to figure out what the best choice for polymer pistol is. I'm somewhat familiar with S&W (my old man has a few) and know they make quality products so i'm leaning toward an M&P semi-auto 9, .40 (or .45 if the new ones are legal full size in MA) I have been reading MA compliant M&P reviews from people and they say the trigger sucks. Also, I've read the Walther PPS has a bad trigger in MA.

My questions follow:

1. is this a MA legal polymer pistol issue? an M&P issue or are there exceptions?
2. Can i get this legally fixed by a gunsmith in NH (i know somebody) or just MA?
3. any Boston specific rules for this issue?

Thanks for the help.
get the gun, and about 70 bucks, PM DerrPrecision a fine board member, drive to scenic MArshVegas...ooops Marshfield MA and drop it off and when you get it back you'll be happier than a MSP F Trooper at a Dunkin Donuts

Or you can take it to NH, just unload it at the border and don't conceal it on your person.
BTW apply for your non resident NH permit as soon as your MA arrives

Don't know anything about the PPS other than the connection to S&W and they are all being recalled IIRC

EVERY gun has a bad trigger in MA because of the child safe trigger pull requirement 10 pounds IIRC
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The PPS is not being recalled. The PPKs are.

The PPS trigger is slightly stiffer than the M&P's, but the compact size more than makes up for it IMHO.
More a striker pistol issue then a polymer in MA.

The AG regs require a trigger pull of 10 lbs or more OR a trigger that requires multiple motions to fire.

SA only is fine - multiple actions
DA/SA are all over 10 for the DA pull

That leaves the polymers with stikers - M&P's and PPS's They've got the heavy trigger. As noted, get a trigger job to bring them down to 6 pounds or so and your in business.
The AG regs require a trigger pull of 10 lbs or more OR a trigger that requires multiple motions to fire.

SA only is fine - multiple actions
DA/SA are all over 10 for the DA pull

just for a comparison, what's the trigger pull for DA and SA on a S&W 686 revolver? I've shot one of those a few times (or a really similar model - my dad's got one) and like the SA option for target shooting.
just for a comparison, what's the trigger pull for DA and SA on a S&W 686 revolver? I've shot one of those a few times (or a really similar model - my dad's got one) and like the SA option for target shooting.

No idea what it is on the revolver, but it's a totally different feel then the striker gun. A DA revolver (and a DA semi) have a long, steady pull to the break where the MA striker triger is a light take up to the break and then a brick wall - making it more likely to jerk it.

My first gun was a MA M&P and I was much happier with it after I got the trigger done. It's a very reliable and accurate gun once you have it done.
it's a totally different feel then the striker gun. A DA revolver (and a DA semi) have a long, steady pull to the break

this is really good to know - thanks

My first gun was a MA M&P and I was much happier with it after I got the trigger done. It's a very reliable and accurate gun once you have it done.

unfortunately i'll have a lot of time to decide between the different pistols while i wait for my LTC to come in the mail. that's also time to save money though...
I would recommend a Walther P99. The DA pull is heavy but when it is in SA mode the trigger is quite light. Also it is a striker fired gun. I have one in 40s+w and find it an easy shooter.
EVERY gun has a bad trigger in MA because of the child safe trigger pull requirement 10 pounds IIRC

This isn't entirely true. The AG's trigger BS only appears to be an issue on striker fired autos. The rest of the guns that can be sold here are pretty much the same way as they are in any other state, trigger wise.

Guns like 1911s, Para LDA, etc, have the same trigger that they have anywhere else. I can drive to an MA gun store and leave with a 1911 that has a 3.5 pound trigger, if I want.

just for a comparison, what's the trigger pull for DA and SA on a S&W 686 revolver? I've shot one of those a few times (or a really similar model - my dad's got one) and like the SA option for target shooting.

My 686 has a single action trigger around #3.5 to #4. The double action trigger maxes out my #15 trigger pull scale.
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