Buying a Pre Ban AR Out Of State


NES Member
Sep 7, 2010
New Hampshire
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I also posted this in the Mass Laws forum but figured this might be a better place to ask.

I got my LTC-A last year and I'm starting to make my first AR purchase. I found what I think is a nice Pre Ban DPMS out of state for a decent price. Whats the laws on being able to purchase it? I spoke to the shop and they believe it was a project gun and don't know how the original configuration of the gun was, but they believe that has to be considered for the sale. As the AR is built right now it's mass legal but they were looking for confirmation from DPMS before I could buy it.

Sorry if this is a silly question but I'm still new to the AR style laws.
There's nothing special about buying a preban out of state. If you are transferring it in make sure the MA FFL clears it before doing the transfer... some of them are dumb about the laws. If you are picking it up directly, just FA-10 it when you bring it back into the state.

Their concern was that it was a complete gun and not a Kit DPMS lower and in it's original form it may have had a Flash Suppressor, bayonet lug. Basically if the serial number was ever looked up that they could get in trouble. But if that's not the case I might be able to get DPMS to send me confirmation that its pre ban and have them sell it to me that way.
Their concern was that it was a complete gun and not a Kit DPMS lower and in it's original form it may have had a Flash Suppressor, bayonet lug. Basically if the serial number was ever looked up that they could get in trouble. But if that's not the case I might be able to get DPMS to send me confirmation that its pre ban and have them sell it to me that way.

Yes you want to verify that it was a complete rifle that was in an AWB configuration when it left the factory. DPMS has records of every firearm and can tell you what configuration it left manufacturing in. There may be a charge for this documentation service, I know there is with Colt. Get it in writing from DPMS and you can give the seller a copy of the letter to file away for their records. This is what I did when buying my last Colt AR15.

Hopefully they are faster than Colt. Colt takes 120 days to get you this information.
Just got off the phone with DPMS and it actually looks like this is a Post ban lower, mfg date is 11/25/98 and they were unable to do a lookup of the original configuration since it was so old. So there goes that theory and I probably wont be able to purchase it now! Crap
...mfg date is 11/25/98 and they were unable to do a lookup of the original configuration since it was so old...

If it was manufactured between 9/13/94 and 9/13/2004, it would have been in AWB compliant configuration, unless marked GOV/LEO/MIL.
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So that would make it completely Mass legal, Regardless of where it might have been originally purchased?

If it was made in '98 is most likely left the manufacturer in a MA AWB compliant configuration since the national AWB was still in affect. The exception, as Kevlar stated, would be if it was being supplied to a millitary/government/police department who the AWB does not apply to. Either way it is post-ban and can only have one "evil feature", any more and it is a post-ban assault weapon and is a felony in the state of MA.

As to whether its an assault weapon... some have the thought "once an assault weapon always an assault weapon" and others say you can neuter it and remove evil features to make it MA AWB compliant but it seems that is it still a gray area on which one is correct.

If it was never an assault weapon, or can't be proven that it ever was, and you want a post-ban AR15 then it should be fine to purchase I believe as long as it is MA AWB compliant.
Just got off the phone with the gun shop, I don't think the person knows what their talking about honestly which is odd because it's in Maine. He said prior to 94 then no problems but post 94 then they can verify the authenticity of the gun and it would have been made for leo/mil/gov. Looks like a Dead end
Just got off the phone with the gun shop, I don't think the person knows what their talking about honestly which is odd because it's in Maine. He said prior to 94 then no problems but post 94 then they can verify the authenticity of the gun and it would have been made for leo/mil/gov. Looks like a Dead end

Pre 9/15/94 is a pre-ban and the AWB does not apply to these. Anything made after it the AWB applies. Most states the AWB had a sunset date of 9/15/04 and it went away but several states, including MA renewed their own version of it with no sunset so it is here to stay until someone can fight it enough to repeal it. I am surprised that DPMS has not kept records of how their rifles left, or if they left as a lower only. Most any manufacturer can look it up and send you a letter on their letterhead of the manufacture date for the serial number you provide. During the ban the weapons that were not AWB compliant for leo/mil/gov (including some high capacity magazines) were stamped with "For Leo/Gov use only".

Does pre/post ban matter to you? What are you looking for in an AR and what are you going to be using it for? What price range are you looking for? Some people here may be able to point you towards something.
I'm not looking for anything overly special. I have an upper coming to me that meets all the Regs and I really just wanted a lower for it. I ran across this for 625 and I liked what it had to offer. DPMS gray lower w/ 20" Stainless bull barrel, I'm really looking for one of the varmint style setups just to shoot at the range.

Initially I just went looking for a lower, might just go to 4 seasons and a complete and be done with it!
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