CA: Senate approves bill to 'microstamp' pistol cartridges

They must have rich killers in CA if they expect this to do anything other than drive the price of new guns up. If only the new designs have this, this is REALLY a neutered law that will do nothing but that.

Wait, you mean that the Bloods, Crips, and Latin Kings (and any others I'm missing) won't stop by the local "neutral drop point" for a complimentary barrel and firing pin swap???

[thinking] Now if the new bills passes and the guns in 2010 do have a stamp...... What if aguy gets shot.. LE retrieve a casing .....charge a guy...The bullet striations don't match the gun barrel!!!????????????????????????????????????

All this law is showing is that the casing came from this gun!!!! Can't even prove that the gun was fired at the location the casing was found!
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