Can I get a physical NFA stamp?

Apr 25, 2013
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I understand when my approved form 1 comes back approved I will receive a PDF copy of my form with the stamp overlaid on it that serves as my tax stamp. However, if only for collection purposes, can I get an actual stamp as well?

I buy my annual duck stamps every year and while the electronic version is acceptable, I always opt for a real stamp as well, kinda same thing here.
I don't know about e-file, but my form 4 was done via paper and it has a physical stamp on it. If you already sent the paperwork, you might be out of luck.
I believe that any stamp out of NFA branch has the firearm S/N written on it so that you can't use it to mail a birthday card. Jack.

I'm not wanting to use it as postage, just more to collect, keep, as I think its neat and more than just a permission slip. Exact same reason I save all my duck stamps. Thats all.
I don't know about e-file, but my form 4 was done via paper and it has a physical stamp on it. If you already sent the paperwork, you might be out of luck.

This is what I'm seeing. If you efiled, you get an electronic stamp, if you did it by paper/mail, you get a stamp and form mailed to you.
I believe that any stamp out of NFA branch has the firearm S/N written on it so that you can't use it to mail a birthday card. Jack.

The serial number written on an actual NFA stamp is the "cancellation mark" that effectively takes that stamp out of issuable status. Like those squiggly lines they used to use on mail at the post office.:D
If your'e after collectible stamps, you can also get a "marihuana" tax stamp.

It is not possible as far as I know to get a real stamp. Even if you were to tell the ATF that your current stamp was lost or damaged, they don’t reissue a stamp. You just get a notarized letter with all of the essential details. If you want a real stamp file a paper form 1 and prepare to wait.
It is not possible as far as I know to get a real stamp. Even if you were to tell the ATF that your current stamp was lost or damaged, they don’t reissue a stamp. You just get a notarized letter with all of the essential details. If you want a real stamp file a paper form 1 and prepare to wait.

Correct. ^^^^^

Thats also why its important to safeguard original forms with a stamp and also make working copies and store them in different locations.
The very first thing I do when I receive a form back with a stamp is make about 20 double sided color copies.
Correct. ^^^^^

Thats also why its important to safeguard original forms with a stamp and also make working copies and store them in different locations.
The very first thing I do when I receive a form back with a stamp is make about 20 double sided color copies.

I see this as an advantage for the electronic version. I can copy that and save it in a hundred different places easily.
I have high-res scans of all the paper NFA forms which I have backed up offsite so even if my house burns down and the originals and my computer are lost I will still have a copy. PDFs from efiled forms are also backed up offsite.
I always carry an electronic copy of my forms with me on my phone, I have a file in the cloud with all of my approved forms in a folder named for the NFA item. I never carry the paper copies, they are stored in a pretty much fireproof safe. Highly rated fire safe and my whole house has fire suppression.

If you read the law you are only required to produce a copy for an agent of the ATF or the Attorney General. The letter of the law seems to read that the form has to be able to be produced, does that mean carried on your person or at a location you can produce it from? Of course, there is no requirement to produce a form for any agent of the state, police or state troopers, nothing. How you want to fight that fight is your decision lol. I have only ever been asked at a public range, I was firing a three stamp gun, a register SBR, a register auto sear with a DAA Wolf suppressor. I refused and he asked me to leave and I packed up and quietly left. Private property, he had every right to ask I just thought it was stupid. There are way to many nice public ranges in Philadelphia to be infringed on while I’m shooting.
The only people you ever need to show your forms to are ATF. Jack.

Ok, what about states where NFA is prohibited with the exception being that they are federally registered? This gives local and state police the authority to demand the form and if you refuse to produce it you will be arrested and detained.

Not saying its right, just saying thats how it will go down. The following concerns Viginia but Tennessee also prohibits machineguns with the affirmative defense clause that it be in compliance with federal law.
These legal mechanisms certainly give local and state police the authority to ask for(demand) proof of federal registration. If you don't show it, you will be cuffed and stuffed until proof of federal registration is brought forth in your defense. Pretty easy to just say "ya here it is" and avoid the shit show that will ensue otherwise. Again, not saying its right but thats what will happen with utmost certainty.

Who can ask to see my tax stamp?
Posted on January 14, 2015 by John Pierce
I tell all of my clients to keep a copy of both their approved tax stamps and their NFA trust on them at all times they are in possession of their NFA items.

But if you follow that advice to its logical conclusion it assumes that you may have to show it to someone at some point.

So … who exactly does have the right to ask to see your approved tax stamp?

Let’s start with the obvious. What about ATF agents?

Well … the Form 1 and Form 4 both give us a big clue. On the back of both forms it says “This approved application is the registrant’s proof of registration and it shall be made available to any ATF officer upon request.

The authority for this assertion is 26 U.S.C. § 5841(e) which states that you are required to “retain proof of registration which shall be made available to the [ATF acting in their official capacity] upon request.

Therefore, any ATF agent has the authority to ask to see your approved tax stamp.

But what about local and state law enforcement officers?

Well … let me start by noting that my practice is limited to Virginia and this advice is intentionally limited to Virginia law. Having said that, under Virginia law, most NFA items are banned but have an exception for items possession in conformity with federal law.

For example, short-barreled rifles and short-barreled shotguns are both generally banned under § 18.2-300.

§ 18.2-300. Possession or use of “sawed-off” shotgun or rifle.

A. Possession or use of a “sawed-off” shotgun or “sawed-off” rifle in the perpetration or attempted perpetration of a crime of violence is a Class 2 felony.

B. Possession or use of a “sawed-off” shotgun or “sawed-off” rifle for any other purpose, except as permitted by this article and official use by those persons permitted possession by § 18.2-303, is a Class 4 felony.

And the exception for these items possessed in conformity with federal law is contained in § 18.2-303.1.

§ 18.2-303.1. What article does not prohibit.

Nothing contained in this article shall prohibit or interfere with the possession of a “sawed-off” shotgun or “sawed-off” rifle for scientific purposes, the possession of a “sawed-off” shotgun or “sawed-off” rifle possessed in compliance with federal law or the possession of a “sawed-off” shotgun or “sawed-off” rifle not usable as a firing weapon and possessed as a curiosity, ornament, or keepsake.

Therefore, a local or state law enforcement officer would have the right to ask to see the approved tax stamp and failure to provide it would be evidence of a violation of state law.

Is there anyone else? What about range safety officers at a range?

There are certainly numerous anecdotes on the internet about RSOs asking to see the tax stamp for an NFA item that is being fired at a commercial range.

In this case however, the answer is ‘No’. They do not have a legal right to see your tax stamp. But … as a private property actor, what they do have is the right to ask you to leave if they ask and you refuse.

Which NFA items need to also be registered with Virginia?November 4, 2013In "Machine Guns"

Selling an NFA Item as Executor of an EstateDecember 24, 2018In "ATF"

Beware of fraudulent Form 4'sJuly 5, 2015In "ATF"
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I see this as an advantage for the electronic version. I can copy that and save it in a hundred different places easily.

I guess old habits die hard. I was into NFA before any of that was even available and still find it easier to just keep a piece of paper in a safe or gun case.
I did put and do have scanned copies of my forms on a thumb drive though when the technology came about.:D
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