Can I use a 1st gen 2 pin Glock 17 for major power factor?

Jun 9, 2010
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Have had the Glock 17 in my closet for years. I never cared for the trigger (like a revolver, it pulls long to finish the cocking action). The mag and slide release butons are painfull at best. The Polymer guide rod broke under its own pressure in the closet. The plastic is slippery. THEREFORE, I decided to drop in a new Vanek trigger, Lone Wolf barrel, Jagger comp, STS sight, ICE magwell, steel recoil rod, and extend the 3 mags to 17 +2 (Glock extension) + 1 in chamber. I did all this because I am proud to own a grandfathered high cap pistol in MA. I refuse to sacrifice the rare high capacity for IDEA 10 cap limit. Since it is a 2 pin 9x19, I think the gun may only be safe for minor loads in USPSA. Does anyone have any experience with major loads in 2 pin Glock?
I think you will get all the answers you are looking for, from people that know A LOT, in the same thread you posted in the competition sub-forum.
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