Can someone please tell me- muzzle brake or flash hider?

But is this a muzzle brake or a flash hider?

It is whatever you want it to be... [grin]. A friend of mine (lives in MA) recently purchased a Stag AR-15 from a local dealer. It had what appeared to be a "flash suppressor". My friend asked: "Is this a flash suppressor?" The dealer replied (with a big smile): "No, it is a muzzle break." Choose the correct answer or the "suppressor police" may be knocking on your door.

But seriously now...THIS >
Looks like a flash suppressor. You can typically tell by the fact that the "mouth" of the muzzle device is open. This open design assists in flash suppression. On the flip side, a closed design directs gasses out of the ports of the muzzle device--thereby reducing muzzle climb or what have you. I'm certainly no expert though.

Example of a muzzle brake. Notice that the mouth is "closed".

definitively flashider.
aside from open mouth design, another giveaway is long slits that are all around. brake would have only on the sides and top.
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