Canning beans and pickles


NES Member
Sep 5, 2017
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Been doing some canning the past couple of days. Put up 42 guarts of Roma green beans (2 bushels)and 22 guarts of dill pickle spears.
My #57 pickling cuke plants have gone wild this year growing in the woodchip compost. I've been picking a 3 gallon bucket of cukes every day for the past two weeks, giving a lot of it away to friends and neighbors while its fresh. I picked cukes yesterday and today and decided to pickle some.

Still waiting for the tomatoes.
Gave neighbors and family 2 bushels of cukes yesterday, and still put up another couple of cases of dill spears and 10 guarts of thick sliced sweet pickles.

Tomatoes are starting to ripen and picking about dozen a day. Zucchini coming on strong and two successive plantings of Roma beans with the first getting ready to flower and the second will be ten days behind them.

I cannot say enough about woodchip compost. The plants are healthy and the produce is full of flavor.
You can some hot dogs and you'll have a picnic...
Canning is a great prepper skill.

The tomatoes are ripening in full force! So far have canned 24 guarts with many more to come. This doesn't count all that are eaten fresh and given to neighbors.

Beans are now flowering and should be setting fruit shortly. Rainfall intervals have been perfect this season.

Zucchini are about done and powdery mildew setting in.....but we got plenty from the few plants that were planted. Shredded and froze about ten pounds and ate or gave away a lot.

Sunflowers are finally flowering after 9+ feet of stock. Those will be split between the birds and I and saved seeds.

A good season so far.

Beets, collards and turnips going in the ground in two weeks along with some cabbage.
How big is your garden? Sounds like you're having a great year! I will be making pickle relish soon and probably some pickles. Lots of green tomatos with a few starting to ripen. With all the rain the squash is taking over the garden. It's a great year for spaghetti squash at my house.
How big is your garden? Sounds like you're having a great year! I will be making pickle relish soon and probably some pickles. Lots of green tomatos with a few starting to ripen. With all the rain the squash is taking over the garden. It's a great year for spaghetti squash at my house.

Two gardens currently here, one 40x50 and another 40x40. I've got many acres I can work with here so moving the plots around isn't a problem.

Didn't make relish this year, still have cases of it from 2015's and 2016's bounty but made plenty of pickles.:D

I'm hoping for good beets in the fall.....I love fresh, canned and pickled beets! We also blanch, chop and freeze the beet greens.
My garden is smaller 16’x 32’. Tomatoes, green beans, zucchini, potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots. Alongside strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
Two gardens currently here, one 40x50 and another 40x40. I've got many acres I can work with here so moving the plots around isn't a problem.

Didn't make relish this year, still have cases of it from 2015's and 2016's bounty but made plenty of pickles.:D

I'm hoping for good beets in the fall.....I love fresh, canned and pickled beets! We also blanch, chop and freeze the beet greens.

That's great! I just have 10 x 20 with 12 pots of tomatoes and a small tub of potatoes. I have a lot of variety but not enough to can and freeze in bulk. I usually get a bunch of winter squash to last us through most of the winter. You probably get to grow most of your own food.
My garden is smaller 16’x 32’. Tomatoes, green beans, zucchini, potatoes, garlic, onions, carrots. Alongside strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.

Nothing wrong with that, thats a manageable size for most people.

I do not grow carrots as they are too cheap to buy as are potatoes. Blueberries I buy from another local farmer until my bushes start producing.
My onions are growing but not as well as I hoped.
That's great! I just have 10 x 20 with 12 pots of tomatoes and a small tub of potatoes. I have a lot of variety but not enough to can and freeze in bulk. I usually get a bunch of winter squash to last us through most of the winter. You probably get to grow most of your own food.

I grow some but not most, and what I do grow is all pesticide free. I mostly grow stuff that cans or freezes well.
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