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I like to carry a big gun whenever I can, but the two micro guns I carry when I have to, are surprisingly accurate, which is why I purchased them.  The 365, for me, shoots and handles like a larger gun as long as I use the magazines with the pinky extension. Follow up shots are quick and recoil is mild when you consider how lights the pistol is.

My PM9 is laughably accurate. I literally chuckled the first time I fired it because it was so accurate. Recoil is not bad at all compared to a snubby in 357, which is unpleasant.

The biggest draw back is the long trigger pull and that you really have to hold on to that little sucker if you have big hands. But it is in a class by itself as far as pocket pistols go. I just ordered an ankle holster for it so it can serve double duty as a pocket pistol and back up gun.

But, nothing makes me happier than a full sized pistol in a shoulder holster with two spare mags, in a caliber that starts with a 4.

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