Century Arms

Mar 1, 2008
North Shore, MA
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Hey guys I just want to clear something up with myself here. I saw a rifle advertised for sale. Not saying where but it was a Century Arms AR15 listed as pre-ban. I read the post on this site and this is what i found.

Century Arms
Lower marked CIA. All are Post-Ban. Made with Olympic Arms Receivers under contract.

It was listed as a pre-ban but everything i can find points it to be post-ban. The earliest i found some of them made was 96/97.

It's possible the seller doesn't know that it's really post ban, or they're using the wrong terminology. Or that there's another "century arms" that we don't know about... [laugh]

Recently I have seen all kinds of things listed as "pre-ban" that are clearly post ban. I think they are trying to say "pre-Obama potential ban that may or may not happen so I am going to charge x% more than it's really worth"
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