Chapter 135 – Nearly Six Months and Few Answers


NES Member
Jul 18, 2022
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The now infamous Chapter 135 gun laws were signed into law by Governor Maura Healey on July 25, 2024. After nearly six months the lawful Second Amendment community has gotten very little in terms of answering the endless questions.

We have a clear understanding of why “An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws” was finalized in secret and passed by a legislative body that had no understanding of what was in it. The simple answer is, because the entire piece of legislation could never have survived the light of day and any reasonable scrutiny. To this day, we are not even sure who wrote it.

What amounts to a cesspool of anti-civil rights wish list, the meaning of individual sections, paragraphs, sentences, and even singular words are the cause of endless debate among citizens. The questions are so exhaustive, that even trying to break down explanations by specific subject matter is nearly impossible. Perhaps this is why, six months later, the new laws have not even been put up on the official Massachusetts Legislature’s website.

If lawful citizens want to look up a specific section of the gun laws for reference, they will be getting the wrong information.

Even as GOAL files litigation on specific pieces of the new law, the state simply “suspends” enforcement on that subject and makes our court efforts moot.

With the legislature back in session it is time to make those phones ring again and demand some answers and transparency on laws that should have never even been considered, let alone pass.

Please contact your Massachusetts senator and representative and let them know you want them to at least publish the new laws so that citizens have a reasonable chance of getting at least some information!
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The now infamous Chapter 135 gun laws were signed into law by Governor Maura Healey on July 25, 2024. After nearly six months the lawful Second Amendment community has gotten very little in terms of answering the endless questions.

We have a clear understanding of why “An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws” was finalized in secret and passed by a legislative body that had no understanding of what was in it. The simple answer is, because the entire piece of legislation could never have survived the light of day and any reasonable scrutiny. To this day, we are not even sure who wrote it.

What amounts to a cesspool of anti-civil rights wish list, the meaning of individual sections, paragraphs, sentences, and even singular words are the cause of endless debate among citizens. The questions are so exhaustive, that even trying to break down explanations by specific subject matter is nearly impossible. Perhaps this is why, six months later, the new laws have not even been put up on the official Massachusetts Legislature’s website.

If lawful citizens want to look up a specific section of the gun laws for reference, they will be getting the wrong information.

Even as GOAL files litigation on specific pieces of the new law, the state simply “suspends” enforcement on that subject and makes our court efforts moot.

With the legislature back in session it is time to make those phones ring again and demand some answers and transparency on laws that should have never even been considered, let alone pass.

Please contact your Massachusetts senator and representative and let them know you want them to at least publish the new laws so that citizens have a reasonable chance of getting at least some information!
Thanks for the update. Secrecy, disingenuous, stall, delay and what have you is what Public Government has become.
@GOALJim I just spoke with Rep Puppolo's office and requested a copy of the full law. His staff are very kind and treat you with respect, which I appreciate. I requested a copy of the official law as you note is is not published online Jim. I was told they would look into it and email me something however was also told that it should be online, and directed to the first hyperlink you posted.
How is what's posted on the sessions law different from what you are requesting? They seemingly were initially telling me it is what I'm requesting.
There is/was a scanned copy of the actual signed copy of the law itself posted online somewhere but you had to work to find it.
I received a call back from Boston, but am not sure how to word what I am looking for in relation to what is posted online. what and how is what we are requesting different than what is posted online in the first two hyperlinks of the OP? are those not chapter 135 as it was piss poorly written?
I received a call back from Boston, but am not sure how to word what I am looking for in relation to what is posted online. what and how is what we are requesting different than what is posted online in the first two hyperlinks of the OP? are those not chapter 135 as it was piss poorly written?
Isn't it that CH135 is basically just a list of changes to the previous existing law and the two have not been integrated/coalesced into a single document?
My legislators aid just sent me a copy of their summary of HD4420. I emailed back requesting a copy of the new law, Chapter 135 in its entirety as voted on by the legislature in July 2024. We'll see...

I couldn't attach the file but here is the copy and paste of what I was initially sent. I don't believe this is anything new to us. I'll await a reply regarding the further inquiry


An Act Modernizing Firearm Laws

Licensing of Firearms

Sections 4, 6, 14, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33-37, 39, 40, 43, 46-48, 52-56, 57 (technical updates in sections 53, 54, 56, 61-63, 67-70)

Consolidates and reorganizes current firearms licensing sections into a single unified process with consistent standards and procedures for all firearms licensing, including licenses to sell. Removes semi-automatic rifles or shotguns from the newly created long gun permit for 18- to 21-year-olds while still preserving their rights to own and possess rifles and shotguns. Increases penalties for failure to report firearm loss or theft. Moves dealer inspection responsibilities and oversight to the Massachusetts State Police to ensure uniformity of inspections. Clarifies and standardizes rules on firearm transport and carry to comport with constitutional requirements and allows carry on recreational vehicles. Removes contradictory, confusing, duplicative and unconstitutional language from definitions and references, nonresident and temporary licenses, self-defense spray permits and exemptions.

Violence Prevention Commission

Section 232

Creates special legislative commission to examine the existing government funding structure for violence prevention services in the commonwealth, including funding sources, initiatives and programs utilized, specific services funded, and communities served, and submit a report of its findings and recommendations.

Assault-Style Firearms & Large Capacity Magazines

Sections 26, 32, 60

Updates General Laws to reflect Attorney General’s opinion regarding look-alike assault weapons, updates definition with contemporary categorization tests and list of firearms, restricts use and transfer of pre-ban large capacity magazines

Firearm Control Advisory Board; Rosters

Sections 58, 59

Adds appointees from Attorney General, Speaker, Senate President, House and Senate Minority leaders, Massachusetts State Police. Adds assault-style firearms roster and tasks board with conducting regular reviews. Requires EOPSS to update rosters for large capacity firearms, large capacity feeding devices, assault-style firearms and firearms approved for sale and use in the commonwealth at least 3 times a year.

Prohibited Spaces

Section 173

Prohibits all firearm possession in government administration buildings, polling locations, educational institutions and on all private property without the consent of the property owner.

Firearm Data Reports

Sections 2, 11, 50

Expands data compilation and reporting requirements for the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services and creates a publicly accessible online dashboard of anonymized aggregate firearm data to further firearms research and transparency.

Serialization & Ban of Untraceable “Ghost Guns’

Sections 25, 30, 37, 39, 45, 26, 31, 44, 49, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 29, 30, 45, 60

Expands the definition of “firearm” to include its frame (or receiver) and its barrel in order to monitor and penalize the illegal purchase and manufacture of firearms. Requires the serialization of all firearms including any privately made firearms. Criminalizes the possession, creation and transfer of all untraceable firearms. Updates and expands definitions of undetectable and covert firearms.

Registration, Reporting and Tracing

Sections 48, 51, 53,47

Updates existing registration requirements for firearms and firearm transactions into one state database maintained by the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services, including all privately made firearms and firearms imported by new residents of the Commonwealth. Criminalizes any failure to register firearms. Requires law enforcement to upload crime gun data to the state database which will automatically populate the Federal ATF system for interstate tracing purposes. Clarifies process around surrendering a firearm to law enforcement


Section 56

Updates the minimum training curriculum required for a license to carry to include injury prevention and harm reduction education, active shooter and emergency response training, applicable laws relating to the use of force, and de-escalation and disengagement tactics. Requires all applicants for a license to carry to complete live firearm training and pass a uniform written exam created by the State Police.Requires local licensing authorities attend trainings on their licensing and reporting responsibilities created by EOPSS.

Harassment Prevention Order (HPO) and Extreme Risk Protective Order (ERPO) Enhancements

Sections 71, 72, 73, 39, 64, 65, 66

Updates HPO’s under c. 258E to be consistent with abuse prevention orders under 209A and allow courts to order dispossession of licenses, permits and firearms contemporaneously with the issuance of an HPO. Enables family members, law enforcement, school administrators, healthcare providers and employers to petition courts for an ERPO. Clarifies due process issuance of warrants to assist law enforcement in the collection of a respondent’s firearms upon the issuance of an ERPO.

Emerging Technology

Section 231

Establishes a special legislative commission to study emerging firearm technology, including smart gun and microstamping technologies, and to submit a report with its findings and recommendations.


Sections 26, 45, 60

Criminalizes both the act of turning any firearm into an automatic firearm as well as the possession of parts which facilitate such a modification. Updates already banned trigger modifications.

Punishments for Negligent Firearm Discharge

Sections 213, 216

Updates and strengthens criminalization of discharge of a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling without the consent of owner. Criminalizes intentional discharge of a firearm which strikes a dwelling or building in use.

Intoxicated Firearm Carry

Sections 21, 22, 195

Aligns standards for intoxication while hunting and carrying a firearm with OUI (0.08% BAC standard). Increases and aligns penalties for both crimes. ."
I've received a reply already but cannot get the file to upload. when I click attach files it only wants to allow pictures and not a word doc. idk
It's 116 pages so I'm not copy and pasting it that'd be absurd.

edit, I think I got it by saving as a pdf.

It looks to be the same as what is linked to as the OP posted.


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I've received a reply already but cannot get the file to upload. when I click attach files it only wants to allow pictures and not a word doc. idk
It's 116 pages so I'm not copy and pasting it that'd be absurd.

edit, I think I got it by saving as a pdf.
This is what a lot of us already have. You’ll see there’s a lot of “strike this, insert that” in the current laws. There’s no document that shows the current law, incorporating all the updates and strike outs. How can someone be held accountable for the new laws when there’s nowhere to read them?
Maybe this will help. IF nothing else, they are supposed to update this annually, per the law (same set of laws they want us to follow, and same set of laws they are supposed to have printed here)


It isn't just gun law where the maroons on Beacon Hill generate flaming bags of dog crap instead of laws. Allow me to give an example from 540 CMR 24.07(3)(a) regarding driving after getting an implantable cardiac defibrillator:

"Any individual who has an implanted cardiac defibrillator (AICD) as the result of a sudden death event is not eligible for a learner's permit, license, or renewal until six months has elapsed after such device has been implanted and submission of the certification described in 540 CMR 24.06(3)(c). Such individuals shall voluntarily surrender their license or the Registry shall suspend or revoke the license."​

Yes, folks, if you experience a sudden death event, the state wants you to notify the Registry so that they can suspend your license. :rolleyes:
There should be some rule where a new/amended law isn't valid until it's published in it's complete/final form.
"...there oughta' be a law...!"
I know, dream on...
"Dear Mr. 413guy

Unfortunately, I would not be able to provide what you are referring to, however the summary I believe shows the intent of each individual section throughout the legislation.

However if you are looking for specific information regarding regulations, each section is noted and linked here on this page:

This should show each aspect of regulation with the editions made by the new legislation that passed in July, only separated by various aspects of firearm regulation.

I hope this provides some further information that may be useful.

Mr. legislative aid guy"

cue the eye roll:rolleyes:, good to know our elected officials that enact this crap have their ducks in order.
& I know, I know, it is by design this nonsense is the way it is.

Screenshot 2025-01-24 at 5.19.50 PM.png
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I don't see how anybody can be prosecuted for any of this.

If they went to court the prosecutor would have to say what the person did that was against the law.

This is all a bunch of gibberish that may have been written by AI. The relevant details are all 6 fingered deformities like you see are in AI created images of peoples hands. All the fingers are deformed in those images. Just like deformed fingers in AI pictures the details of Mass Gun Law are nonsense.

Somebody needs to call the State out on this and have them admit that it's all nonsense.
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