Charges: Man pulled gun on Somali teens at Eden Prairie McDonald's

Looks like a guy who could probably stand to drive past McD's in the future.

Would also help to keep your opinions to yourself, then not leave, come back, and start acting like you're the victim.

All of that 2nd part is based on what I read in the article. Which I put about as much faith into as my $2 chinese knife to take a hammer blow.
Update. he's f*cked.

Johnson will be sentenced at a hearing scheduled for April 29. He pleaded guilty to a stay of imposition, which means that for three years, he will be classified as a felon, Joshua London, Johnson’s attorney, explained to Eden Prairie News after the hearing. If he follows the rules of his sentence and probation, after three years, that charge will be reduced to a misdemeanor.

Has anyone ever been stuck in line with a group of yutes like that? Few things are worth having to put oneself in such situations. It’s like a situational awareness end of chapter quiz.

But yes let’s profile further and give recognition to the stereotypical redneck whitey for failing one of life’s tests. Not the least bit surprised…
Has anyone ever been stuck in line with a group of yutes like that? Few things are worth having to put oneself in such situations. It’s like a situational awareness end of chapter quiz.

But yes let’s profile further and give recognition to the stereotypical redneck whitey for failing one of life’s tests. Not the least bit surprised…
Good reminder. I usually choose to go inside for the order, but drive-through seems the safer option from now on.
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Idiot. We don't need the negative publicity from a stupid hothead cowboy looking for a gunfight. Next time just shut up and walk away if your annoyed with a situation.
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