A few weeks back, I posted about wanting a .45ACP revolver. During that discussion, someone posted the suggestion that I consider the Charter Arms .44 special revolver....
At the moment, Im packing a SW Model 60 JFrame - its the older one that doesn't shoot .357. While I shoot well with it, it conceals well and is an all around reliable weapon...Im in the mode of 'wanting more' out of a defensive weapon. I was in a gun shop today, saw a Charter Arms revolver - blued out with the rubber grips for $315....I was really impressed with the weight of the gun as well as the balance...even though Im aware that the light weight will result in some mule-ish kicking.
I may trade my 60 towards that or an Astra Constable I have collecting dust in the safe.
Any thoughts? Am I nuts? I've read that the ballistics are similar to that of a .45 ACP but remain unsure. The other option Im considering is a SW Model 60 that shoots the .357....I am willing to part with my 60 if its a good deal and of course, a quality weapon.
At the moment, Im packing a SW Model 60 JFrame - its the older one that doesn't shoot .357. While I shoot well with it, it conceals well and is an all around reliable weapon...Im in the mode of 'wanting more' out of a defensive weapon. I was in a gun shop today, saw a Charter Arms revolver - blued out with the rubber grips for $315....I was really impressed with the weight of the gun as well as the balance...even though Im aware that the light weight will result in some mule-ish kicking.
I may trade my 60 towards that or an Astra Constable I have collecting dust in the safe.
Any thoughts? Am I nuts? I've read that the ballistics are similar to that of a .45 ACP but remain unsure. The other option Im considering is a SW Model 60 that shoots the .357....I am willing to part with my 60 if its a good deal and of course, a quality weapon.