Charter Arms .44SPL Bulldog

Oct 13, 2010
Hyde Park
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A few weeks back, I posted about wanting a .45ACP revolver. During that discussion, someone posted the suggestion that I consider the Charter Arms .44 special revolver....

At the moment, Im packing a SW Model 60 JFrame - its the older one that doesn't shoot .357. While I shoot well with it, it conceals well and is an all around reliable weapon...Im in the mode of 'wanting more' out of a defensive weapon. I was in a gun shop today, saw a Charter Arms revolver - blued out with the rubber grips for $315....I was really impressed with the weight of the gun as well as the balance...even though Im aware that the light weight will result in some mule-ish kicking.

I may trade my 60 towards that or an Astra Constable I have collecting dust in the safe.

Any thoughts? Am I nuts? I've read that the ballistics are similar to that of a .45 ACP but remain unsure. The other option Im considering is a SW Model 60 that shoots the .357....I am willing to part with my 60 if its a good deal and of course, a quality weapon.
what "MORE" do you want out of a defensive weapon???? Dont get caught up in buying just to buy. Do you shoot the model 60 well? is it still in good working condition? Are you looking for a carry gun or a home gun or both?

Snub nose defensive rounds are a very good choice for a carry weapon and do a good job balancing size of weapon and "stopping power"
357 out of a 2" barrel is not IMHO worth upgrading from .38spcl it just a whole bunch more muzzle flash and unburnt power.....

.44spcl? Do you have .44mag and or reload? If its your primary defensive sidearm I would pass as you will more than likely practice and shoot it less due to the cost of ammo.
Go back to your gunshop. Look at the price and selection of .44 Spcl. loads. Then look at the price and selection of the .357 Mag loads.
Many moons ago I had the chance to fire the CA Bulldog with the only 44 SPL load at the time,246 gr round nose. Actually it was quite comfortable to shoot. That beinng said,with the various super loads from Corbon,Buffalo Bore and the like I not so sure I'd want to shoot 19 oz revolver loaded with those particular loads unless my life REALLY depended upon it.
My son has a bulldog (he wanted to one up me, I have a S&W 642) I have shot it and liked it. It isn't much worse than 38+P in an airweight. Not many consider a 2 in barrel revolver a range gun but the posts above suggesting you check the price of .44spcl. are right. I liked the size and weight for carry, I liked shooting it, I would not want to pay to feed it.
DRB I think you may be right. OVerall, my 60 is the perfect companion. She's reliable, cheap enough to feed and while a bit heavy, the weight is reassuring and prevents punishment to my hands when firing. I think for the moment, I have my "go-to" CCW piece...hell, if 5 shots plus 2 reloads doesn't do it, she makes a nifty bludgeon.
I have a 3" Bulldog. I would suggest rubber gips. With regular .44 special loads its not bad at all. Like other calibers, personal defense loads will kick more. Just FYI, most holsters for a Colt Detective Special will fit the Bulldog.

DRB I think you may be right. OVerall, my 60 is the perfect companion. She's reliable, cheap enough to feed and while a bit heavy, the weight is reassuring and prevents punishment to my hands when firing. I think for the moment, I have my "go-to" CCW piece...hell, if 5 shots plus 2 reloads doesn't do it, she makes a nifty bludgeon.

I have no doubt that you would regret selling your model 60 if you decided to sell it. Do yourself a favor and hold on to it! Me personally I have two carry guns, 1 warm weather/dress clothing gun ( s&w bodyguard 380 ) and a mid size .45 ( s&w 457 semi ) for colder weather/more clothes. The nice thing about having a pocket gun and a mid size is that if you feel the need two carry two guns your already setup to do so ( today while at the mall I had my .45 strong side and my BG380 in my weak side pocket
exactly...and whereas Ive made some dumb purchases, I don't want this to be one of them. it has a bit of nostalgia for me too as my grandfather carried one when he was a boston cop....I have a full sized RIA 1911 that I now feel good about (JHP was her weaksuit, found that golden sabers work great), so for now, I have my full size and my snubnose....

and for the coolness factor, which I know isnt important to most, the snubs and old school 1911s are the stuff of the best gangster movies anyway.

I have no doubt that you would regret selling your model 60 if you decided to sell it. Do yourself a favor and hold on to it! Me personally I have two carry guns, 1 warm weather/dress clothing gun ( s&w bodyguard 380 ) and a mid size .45 ( s&w 457 semi ) for colder weather/more clothes. The nice thing about having a pocket gun and a mid size is that if you feel the need two carry two guns your already setup to do so ( today while at the mall I had my .45 strong side and my BG380 in my weak side pocket
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