cheap foods/bulk foods that could be stored for long periods of time

Feb 10, 2010
Granite State
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I'm making a list of foods that i'm planning to start building up for long storage in case of whatever emergency.

this is for those foods that require no refrigeration and can be stored no less that 12 month in proper (for this kind of item) container.

so far i had come up with:
(break down in price when purchased bulk)

$1/lb or less
-pasta (elbows)

$2/lb or less

$3/lb or less
-potato flakes
-reconstituted milk
sugar, lots of sugar... copious amounts of sugar. You need it for canning fruits, baking anything. Stack those 50lb bags deep.

There's plenty of canned goods that'd work there too, you'll want canned tomatoes for making sauce for that pasta. MB just had 28z cans of Pastene for 79c a few weeks ago... you'll have to go with generic concentrate crud for now though for that price.
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most of the items you have in your list so far appear to require a high amount of energy to prepare. keep that into consideration when stocking fuel
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