Checking in from Newton, NH

Apr 1, 2005
Newton, New Hampshire
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Made the move from the Republic to the free state of New Hampshire on Saturday. Dropping off my resident Pistol/Revolver application today to replace my non-resident license. Country living is much different and the slow lane mentality is great. Haven't even had a chance to get to my club yet and shoot, and it's only a couple of miles away. Unpacking and setting up the house is a drag, but living in the land of open carry, high cap mags, and Kimbers, Glocks, Paras, and a dozen more gun manufacturers not authorized in the Repupublic are well worth it. A big hello to all my fellow gun owners and be assured I left the Republic's politics behind. [lol]
Welcome - not sure where Newton is but I'm in Nashua - I moved here at the end of March from Massachusetts. I'm still stationed in Boston but I am finally out of the South Shore area. Nashua Fish and Game has a really nice range facility - 65 acres in all I think - pretty awesome. I'm working on getting a membership there. Welcome to NH though. I just changed my tax information today - updated it since there is no state taxes here on income. Feel free to drop me an IM or email if you have any questions.
Another good thing is that, even if you're still working in the People's Republic, Mass only taxes your income for the days that you're actually working here. Time spent traveling to other locations, vacation time, sick time, bonuses, "non-earned income", etc. all escape Massachusetts' non-resident income tax. Got to get out of this pit someday soon.

The downside to NH - I just found out I have to reregister my truck and get new insurance since my Mass. vehicle insurance policy is not valid here. Oh well - I was switching from Maine to New Hampshire residency anyway.
The worst thing

I can see about New Hampshire is that I have to change my driver's license and registration to New Hampshire's within 60 days. There's a deductible on glass breakage, but I'll still save 40-50% on insurance, as compared to Mass. Geez, I'll just have to suck it up, or get out the crying towel.

Residents of NH working in Mass. get a deduction on their taxes at the end of the year of about $8,000 per family.

Newton abuts Plaistow, Merrimac(Mass), Amesbury(Mass), and Kingston. :) :D
Newton Club

I take it that you belong to the Country Pond Club in Newton.

Be sure to check out their pin and cowboy shoots . . . . .

Welcome to NH :D
A good friend just moved up from Melrose to Newton NH

...and lives about a quarter mile from that club..............
I live close to my home club, but not THAT close.
Re: A good friend just moved up from Melrose to Newton NH

Cledus J. Crabb said:
...and lives about a quarter mile from that club..............
I live close to my home club, but not THAT close.

Welcome aboard Cledus!


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