Child injured by bullet

That is beyond freak but certainly not impossible. I was carrying a 6 boxes
of 10mm reloads once (loose packed) and the top one fell off the pile and hit the
floor, and there was a tremendous bang and the bullet actually took off
and went through a foam ceiling tile and came to rest on top of another
ceiling tile. Nobody was hit by any debris or shrapnel.

After examining the blown out case we found that it must've hit the floor at
precisely the right angle or something- it also didn't help that the primer wasn't
seated flush on that particular round, either.

No accident. Dumb kid and parents.

Not an accident? Dumb kid? The kid was 4 years old. Dumb parents? I'd by that. Dumb sounds a little harsh, though.

I don't have kids, but I learned some crap with my new puppy. I put something in a perfectly safe place, out of her reach, then before I know it she's grown to where she can get into it.

Parents definitely need to be aware of properly storing ammunition.
"Stupid is as stupid does"
Not saying it's the kid's fault. The parent's however... I expect a quick inspection of their kitchen drawers could answer that question.
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