For Immediate Release
July 27, 2022
Contact: Jim Wallace Executive Director 978-618-1331
Gun Owners’ Action League Condemns the Massachusetts House of Representatives for its Action Against Civil Rights
July 27, 2022
Contact: Jim Wallace Executive Director 978-618-1331
Gun Owners’ Action League Condemns the Massachusetts House of Representatives for its Action Against Civil Rights
Boston – On July 27, 2022 Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL) is gathering at the State House to push for corrections to Massachusetts gun laws in light of the recent Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision in NYSRPA v. Bruen.
The gathering was originally intended to push for support of HD.5245 An Relative to Restoring Civil Rights, filed by Representative Jefferey Turco. The legislation would make at least some corrections to Massachusetts gun laws needed to comply with Bruen. These include repealing restrictions on licenses, local discretionary/suitability standards, and carry restrictions in recreational laws that are all now unconstitutional. It would also make the Commonwealth responsible for the entire licensing system, something they currently deny responsibility for. Since scheduling the day at the State House, a second purpose has materialized.
On Thursday, July 21, 2022 the Massachusetts House leadership launched a sneak attack on civil rights. With no warning to the Second Amendment community or police chiefs, an amendment to impose further restrictions was snuck in as an amendment to a Judiciary IT bill.
“What the House did to our community, and the way they did it was simply unconscionable,” said Jim Wallace, Executive Director of GOAL. “Rather than take up our very reasonable bill that would have brought the state into partial compliance with the SCOTUS ruling, the House leadership decided to do just the opposite! With not even the courtesy of a heads up, they forced an anti-civil rights amendment into a much-needed judiciary bill. Even most Reps were unaware it was to be taken up. Not even the police chiefs were notified. As far as we are concerned, this was an action by an unrepresentative House!”
GOAL and members will be gathering at the State House on Wednesday, July 27, 2022 from 11 am – 2 pm asking the legislature to FIX IT NOW!
Link to Instructions: Rights Restoration Lobby Day Instructions.pdf