Instructor: Ben DeWalt
Location: Maynard Rod and Gun Club
Weather: Inside heated range
Round Count: 400 +/-
This class is all about precision. If you want to become the kind of shooter who can hit where you need to hit or at least avoid sending your rounds into the next county—this is the course for you. While OnSight Firearms Training (OFT) typically specializes in defensive shooting, their Pistol Accuracy and Accountability class drills down on marksmanship.
As a concealed carrier, you HAVE to hit what you’re aiming at—and ONLY what you’re aiming at. HARD STOP. Every round you fire is your responsibility, and if you can’t hit a paper target on a flat range with zero stress, what do you think will happen when you’re sweaty and scared, and your stress level is higher than your credit card limit during the holidays?
We started with a thorough safety brief. Next came the medical brief. Trauma kits were identified, emergency roles were assigned, and we even had designated jobs ready for help if things went sideways.
We walked back from the 5-yard line to the 15 to kick things off, shooting five rounds at each distance. This wasn’t just to warm us up; it was also the instructor’s way of figuring out who needed extra love. Spoiler alert: my ego didn’t survive the 15-yard line (tossed a round)
Ben spent a good chunk of time teaching us the art of grip—“How to hold the gun.” Small adjustments made a big difference, and the improvement immediately appeared on the targets. Next, we tackled trigger control. Too little finger? Too much knuckle? Just right? Since no two hands (or guns) are the same, Ben had us experiment until we found the trigger press that worked for us. (Goldilocks)
Before each drill, Ben would explain it, demo it, and then explain it again. His approach was thorough and foolproof—though some of us still managed to find creative ways to screw up. The analysis after each drill was sobering. We treated every miss as a “good guy” accidentally shot in a real-world scenario. It really drove home the weight of accountability.
Ben emphasized balance over rigid stances. “What’s your stance when you’re moving to cover? Or lying flat on your back on the ground?” he asked. Answer: you don’t have one. His martial arts background shined here as he tied gunfighting to fighting in general. Balance, not a textbook stance, is what will save you.
Shooting one-handed is an art form—and Ben had all the cheat codes. From slight changes in pressure to grip hacks, these tips immediately improved our accuracy. He even made it look easy, though the rest of us still looked like we were auditioning for a shaky-cam action movie.
Let’s talk about Ben. The guy is a walking contradiction—in the best way. He’s knowledgeable but humble, serious but funny, and as the day goes on, his jokes progressively nosedive into the gutter (which, honestly, just makes the class even more entertaining). He has a gift for reading his students and adjusting his teaching style to suit each individual. Not all instructors can do that, but Ben nailed it—just like we were all trying to do with our targets.
This class is a must-attend. While it’s not a run-and-gun, high-speed course, it IS the foundation for everything else. Think of it as the building blocks of accuracy: grip, trigger control, and precision—all you need to master before adding movement, cover, or those Hollywood-style, upside-down car hood shots.
The controlled environment lets us experiment, fail, and grow without judgment. It’s true what they say: “You won’t rise to the occasion but sink to the level of your training.” This class ensures your baseline is something you can be proud of.
OnSight Firearms Training continues to impress, and Ben is a world-class instructor. If you get the chance, absolutely take this class. You’ll leave with sharper skills, greater confidence, and maybe even a few jokes to share with your friends.